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"Hey jack, open your eyes " Jack opened his eyes upon hearing someone calling, as soon as he opened his eyes he caught the throat of the person beside him, pinning him down. He lifted a punch and was about to hit when he noticed it was none other than Steve. Jack took sigh of relief and moved from top of Steve.

" Are you fine?? " Steve asked concerned about what happened to him. He could tell there was something off in Jack , however he bluntly nodded and left the room leaving no room for any other queries.


Soon they arrived back at the compound, Steve and Jack helped Clint make his way to Helen Cho so that she could begin to treat his injury. Natasha, Tony and Bruce followed behind them.

Once they had got Clint into the lab. Nat, Bruce stayed with him while he was going through his treatment. Jack without bothering to inform anyone left for his room. Natasha who noticed him leaving followed him, she reached at his door and it was left opened. She pushed the door and saw the lights off.

"Jack, what are you doing?? " She called out in the dark as the widows were closed, her hand reached out for the electric switch and she turned on the bulb. Her heart broke into pieces at the sight of her little brother crying in the corner with his face burried ito his hands which rested on his knees.

She slowly walked close and kneeled down before him. She kept her hand on his hair. Next moment, Jack hugged her with all his might crying out loud.

"Calm down Jack, you are brave, it's ok" She patted his back trying to console him.

"I killed them all sissy, I killed them all" He sobbed louder holding her back.

"I killed the all the passengers in that bus, kids, women, old men ...... I stabbed everyone"

"I know how it feels, Jack trust me I have gone through this guilt and trauma" Natasha cupped his face and spoke looking into his teary eyes.

"How did you deal with it" Jack looked back after her with his dried eyes.

There was silence for a moment before Natasha began to speak "The guilt never went away but I learnt that crying over past and hurting our present is waste. We can't change our past and the mistakes"

"But we can definitely work for a better future to come over the guilt of our past actions"

"Come on now smile my little brother" Natasha pouted to which Jack let out a soft chuckle.

After few minutes, Natasha came back to the team and told them about Jack's condition. All felt bad for the boy, what he was made to do at a tender age.

"I have an idea, I will arrange his favorite foods and drinks in today's party" Tony smirked, everyone chuckled at his words.

--- Time Skip ---

Jack was resting against the bar counter having his drink while enjoying Natasha flirting with Bruce.

"Hey Jack, come join us" Tony invited him, Jack looked at Natasha and the three joined rest of the team where everyone was trying to lift Thor's hammer.

"No, no, it's much more than that." Thor said with a chuckle.

"Whatever, man! It's a trick." Clint retorted shaking his head.

"Well please, be my guest." Thor raised his hand gesturing the hammer.

"Really?" Clint asked, his eyes widened.

"Yeah!" Thor assured clint with a smile as he walked over to the hammer.

"Come on retired archer, time to show how strong your ass is??" Jack grinned clapping his hands making everyone laugh as clint rolled his eyes at Jack's comment.

"Clint, you've had a tough week. We won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." Tony said, letting out a chuckle.

Clint ignored his comment and looked at Thor. "You know I've seen this before right?" Clint placed his hand on the handle of the hammer and started pulling it but the hammer sat still not even moving a inch. Letting out a grunt, Clint let go of the handle and let out a laugh. "I still don't know how you do it!"

"Smell the silent judgement?" Tony said amused.

"Please, Stark, by all means." Clint said dramatically asking him to try.

Jack laughed making natasha look at her little brother. Natasha was happy that Jack was enjoying.

"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge." Tony smirked at Jack while reaching next Thor's hammer.

Clint took back his seat. "Get after it.

"It's physics." Tony stated wrapping his hand around the hammer, pulling it with all his might while trying to pretend as if it's easy for him.

"Physics?" Jack said tapping his chin acting to think something, teasing the billionaire.

"Right, so, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?" Tony asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, of course." Thor answered knowing he can't .

"I will be reinstituting prima nocta." Tony wrapped both hands around hammer and placing his foot on table trying harder, but the hammer doesn't even shake. "I'll be right back." He sighs, Clint looked at a smirking Jack and laughed seeing Tony walking out of the room then coming back with his gauntlet. He tried again, but he failed. Tony invited over Rhodey for backup and even with them both trying, they still couldn't lift it.

Banner decided to give it a shot, standing on the table pulling the hammer but gave up after few seconds inviting everyone for a healthy laughter.

"And, Widow?" Bruce smiled at nat, while gesturing her to go and try.

"Oh, no, no. That's not a question I need answered." Natasha said while taking another sip of her drink, "Neither me" Jack yawned.

"All deference to the man who wouldn't be king, but it's rigged." Tony said, while putting down his drink.

"You bet your ass." Clint smirked, patting Tony's shoulder playfully.

"Steve he said a bad language word." Maria teased Steve pointing at Clint. Steve looked at Tony and Jack who was grinning.

"Did you tell everyone about that?"

"The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code. Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints is, I think, the literal translation."

Thor chuckled "Oh that's a good theory but i have a better one, you all are not worthy "

"Oh my god, This is why I am not getting a girlfriend " Jack gasped dramatically and join others for a laughter after earning a slap from nat at his shoulder.

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