Bounce Back

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Jack PoV:

It has been 5 hours since we are staying at Clint's safehouse, rather say hiding. Natasha still looked lost but I am she has Bruce's company.

Fury had decided to make a grand appearance, and was making a sandwich in the kitchen while we were all scattered around him.

"Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time. My contacts all say he's building something. The amount of vibranium he made off with, I don't think it's just one thing." Fury informed the team

"What about Ultron himself?" Steve asked, probably wondering if Fury knew where the robot was.

"Oh, he's easy to track.He's everywhere." Fury quickly stated.

"Absolutely wonderful. We're fighting a guy who has access to everything, is everywhere at the same time, and yet we still can't find his physical body." Bruce sighed, running a hand through his hair and looking down.

"What about the twins?" I asked looking up at fury.

"No word on their location yet, but wherever Ultron goes, they're bound to follow." Fury replied making a sandwich.

"Is he still after those launch codes?" Tony questioned shooting a dart at the board.

"Indeed. Not making any headway though."Fury responded.

"Anyway, he's fixated on the missiles. But the codes are constantly being changed." Fury told us.

"Whose changing them?" Steve frowned.

"Parties unknown." Fury remarked
"So, we got an ally?" Jack questioned.

"Ultron has an enemy. That's not the same thing. Still, I'd pay folding money to know who it is." Fury shrugged.

"Well, this is good times, boss, but I was kind of hoping when I saw you, you'd have more than that." Natasha quickly stated grabbing my attention.

"I do. I have you." He replied.

Dr. Cho!" Steve called out quickly running over to her.

"He's.. uploading himself into the body."She managed to speak between short breaths.


"The real power is inside the cradle. The gem, it's power is uncontainable ....... you can't just blow it up. You have to get the cradle to Stark." Helen shakily said.

"First I have to find it." Steve replied.


"Did you guys copy that?" Steve asked over the comms. "We did." Nat replied looking at me and Clint.

"We've got a private jet taking off across town.No manifest. That could be him?" Natasha informed.

"There. It's a truck from the lab." He pointed out. Clint looked out the window and nodded in agreement.

"Right above you Cap, on the look by the bridge." Clint announced

Nat spun her chair to the right and used one of the x-ray devices built in on the jet and aimed it towards the truck. "Yeah it's them, three tin cans with the cradle and one in the cab."

"I could take out the driver." Clint offered.

Steve was quick to respond. "Negative. That truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron."

They all witnessed Steve being overpowered by the robot and thrown away. Jack sighed getting up from his seat removing his headphones. " He is being overpowered, I need to help him " Jack looked at Nat and Clint who eventually nodded agreeing to the idea.

Jack flew down at the height of few meters from the ground and began chasing the truck ultron was at. Ultron shot a series of blasts at him but none could hit as Ultron was blasted away by Jack giving him time to land at the roof. By now Steve also climbed up at the roof. Ultron got back and charged at Jack only to be punched back before Jack started throwing back to back punches at the robot crushing him under his punches. Ultron wasn't getting a chance to fight back whereas even Steve was just standing like an audience waiting for Jack to move.

Nat smirked at Clint who was looking at her brother in awe. Somehow Ultron balanced himself, ducking next punch that Jack threw at his face and kicked Jack. Before Jack could balance himself Ultron blasted him back throwing him into a car.

Ultron groaned touching his almost crushed vibranium face before looking at his loosened stomach and jumping at Steve engaging in a hand to hand combat with him.

"Nat, help me get my shield" Steve said with difficulty as Ultron grabbed him by shoulder picking him up.

Jack groaned getting up from the car to see captain pinned by Ultron who had grabbed him by throat on the roof of truck.

He could see Steve struggling until Nat threw him his shield and he regained control. He got back on his feet and following the truck moving along Natasha's bike.

"Nice thro-" Jack smirked as her eyes widened seeing him flying beside her when the ground before her bike disrupted making her stop with a jerk. Jack clenched his jaw accelerating towards ultron and clashing into him in a few seconds, Ultron who had just knocked Steve threw a punch but Jack beat him upto it hitting his face hard making his jaw hang open. Steve chuckled while panting and murmured a "thankyou".

"You are a pain in the ass young man" Ultron got up said in a dangerous tone.

Alex chuckled before the three engaged in a combat again this time Steve and Jack had the upper hand.

"Clint, can you draw out the guards?" Natasha questioned over the comms.

Ultron punched Jack away in air but he regained his balance floating in the air and landing back on the roof.

"We're about to find out." Clint responded. He flew the quinjet lower towards the truck, spinning and spraying Ultron with bullets. Ultron, Steve, Jack seemed to pause for a moment, before the drones flew out of the truck and after the quinjet.

"Hey, you actually did someth-" but was cut off when Steve was thrown into him. Apparently Ultron was only distracted for a small moment.

Jack stumbled but got back and shot a energy blast at Ultron throwing him back, Steve ran and threw Ultron into a pillar. Ultron responded by flying back towards Steve.

Jack quickly moved in front of him, jumping and kicking Ultron into a train moving just behind the truck . A lot of passengers did scream at the sudden appearance.

"Can't we just talk about this?" Jack mumbled the question resting his hands on knees, tired. Ultron growled trying to get back and attack, but was shot back by a blast of energy from Jack's fist. After shooting multiple energy beams and blasts at him, Jack punched the robot, but his hand was caught and he was thrown back and across the floor.

"I'm going in, Jack can you keep him occupied?" Natasha questioned over the comms.

"Sissy I've been doing that for the past 10 minutes." He groaned, dodging another strike from Ultron before punching his face twice and tearing off a big metal piece from his shoulder kicking him away

"Get off!" Ultron was about to get back but the was tackled and knocked back. He glanced to the side, seeing Pietro stood at the end of the carriage.

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