Battle begins

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Wanda entered the changing room but as she was looking for something, she slipped over a sock. She gasped and closed her eyes tightly thinking she was about to fall but to her surprise she never hit the ground.

She opened her eyes to see Jack's face few inches away from hers and his hand wrapped around her waist. A smile unknowingly crawled his lips as his free hand touched her cheek with his fingertips. She closed her eyes feeling his new yet comforting touch.

Thier moment was broken by a cough sound, She immediately got back on her feet and they turned to see Pietro grinning at the door. Pietro grinned grabbing some clothes quickly and left the room quickly.

Wanda was looking for clothes when Jack threw a jacket at her. "It's Natasha's but for now you can wear it " Jack smiled and she returned the gesture. "Thank you" She put up the cloth. "Suits you" Jack smirked at her before walking out of the room.


On the jet, Steve was going through locations and maps trying to make a perfect plan, Clint sat in the pilot seat while Tony was in the co pilot seat beside him. Thor and Vision in the corner discussing something, Jack standing next to Pietro and wanda.

"Come on old man, high time for your motivational speech" Jack lightened the atmosphere.

Steve sent alex an amused smile before beginning "Ultron knows we're coming, Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire ...... And that's what we signed up for.But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out."

"All they want is to live their lives in peace. And that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them, we can get the job done. We find out what Ultron has been building. We find Romanoff and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters.. that we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."

The jet lowered and touched the ground as the doors opened, everyone left to perform thier part as soon as possible.

Steve and Jack were on the bridge trying to take out maximum number of people from
the city. Bruce over the comms announced he has found Nat. Jack took a sigh of relief as he continued pushing more and more people through the bridge when suddenly the robots started crawling up from the grounds and waters. Within seconds here were thousands of robots which were out. Steve and Jack shared a glance knowing what to do and soon they became hunting the robots.

Jack jumped in the air grabbing two robots and once and threw both of them shattering the tin cans in pieces. Jack speeded up punching every robot coming in way. He shot a energy beam from his fist and blasted a group of robots moving towards Steve. Steve was rescuing the citizens while occasionally killing some robot with his shield.

Alex lifted in air looked and saw a group of 6 robots flying towards him. He raised his palms and threw a huge energy blast at them, shattering all in pieces.

He began floating in air throwing energy blasts at many bots occasionally grabbing some bot and ripping it apart.

"Any body out there, I need help" Jack heard Clint grunt over the comms. "Jack go help him, I will look after here" Steve ordered, Jack nodded before flying away to help Clint. He landed there to see Wanda fighting the robots along with Clint.

She smiled at him as the trio began to fight the next wave of Ultron's robots, they killed about 30 robots in a minute when the ground began shaking abruptly. They all looked down and saw the bridge begin to form a large crack right down the middle.

"Run. Now."Clint ordered. They all sprinted and made their way off the bridge and as soon as they made it to the other side , the bridge broke off from the road they was on and looked like it was getting lowered down. They all looked at each other confused and Jack flew high in the sky to see what was going on. His eyes widened at the sight of the city being raised up into the air, he landed on the ground over, still in shock.

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