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"Kiki you're going to be late!"

My eyes shot open, and I sat up quickly. "Coming!" I yelled before hopping out of my bed. However, the room quickly began to spin, forcing me to sit down. I was lucky I had almost nothing on my stomach, or it all would have come back up.

Fuck. All the memories from the night before came flooding back to me. Why did I have to choose the night before my audition to attend a rager?

I thew on a pair of jeans and a crop top I had left out. After quickly brushing my hair, I grabbed my phone and keys and rushed into the living room of my apartment.

"Morning sunshine." My best friend Zoey was standing in the kitchen smiling.

"Why did you let me go out last night?" I groaned, quickly tying my shoes.

"Hey I tried to stop you, but you gave me no choice." She handed me a bagel and a banana. "Auditions never go well on an empty stomach."

"Thank you so much." I smiled, giving her a quick hug. "Love you!"

"Good luck! Go kick some ass." Zoey called as I hurried from the apartment. I got into my car, and made my way towards the audition location.

I was auditioning for a new Netflix show, Outer Banks. While I had gone to many auditions before, this script was one of my favorites, and I was hoping for a big break. I had landed a few small parts here and there, but nothing like a Netflix series.

I made my way through the traffic filled streets of LA, trying to race against the clock. I pulled into a parking spot three minutes before my call time. I checked my hair, and tried to press out as many of the wrinkles in my shirt as I could before climbing out of the car.

I made my way inside, and was greeted by a woman at a desk. "What's your name sweetie?"

"Kiki Conners. I'm here to audition for Outer Banks."

"Straight down that hall, the third door on your left. Good luck!" I smiled in thanks, and made my way to the door. Taking a deep breath, I knocked, and a voice called out for me to come in.

I stepped inside, faced with three people who had papers and pens strewn across their lap. "Hi I'm Kiki Conners." I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking. No matter how many times I audition, it never gets any easier.

"Hey Kiki. What part are you auditioning for today?" One of the men asked me.

"I'm auditioning for Lily Thornton."

"Alright whenever you're ready." He turned on one of the cameras beside him, and I took a deep breath.

"Topper, you know I've never been Dad's favorite! I've never bought into this lifestyle, and he's always hated me for that. Meanwhile, you're the poster child for what a son should be. You get good grades, and have never once been in trouble."

I took a deep breath, and let my eyes start to well up with tears.

"Dad has no problem loving you. On the other hand, he has no problem telling me what a screw up I've been since I was born. He hates me and you know it. No matter what I do it's never good enough for him or this life that I've been born into."

My voice rose a bit. "I didn't choose to be a Thornton! I never wanted this life! But I don't have a choice. I've never had a choice."

I took a second to recollect myself, then smiled at the people in front of me. "That was great, thank you Kiki. We'll be in touch with the results within the next couple of days."

"Thank you for your time." I said, as I turned back to the door. I opened it, and made my way outside when a body ran into me, hard enough to knock me down.

"Ow, what the hell-" I started, until the boy reached out his hand to help me up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." I accepted his hand, and brushed some dust off my pants.

"In a rush, are we?" I smirked into his blue eyes. Man was he attractive.

"Trying to get to this part for some new Netflix show." He sighed. "Hopefully this one is a bit more successful than my last."

"Same here man. Good luck in there." I said, turning towards my car.

"Wait, what's your name?" He called after me.

"Lily Thornton." I smiled, shutting my door.

I made my way back to my and Zoey's apartment, trying to keep my mind off the audition. I felt like it had gone well, but you never know with these things. There could be so many other talented actresses trying to get the same role.

I finally arrived, and made my way inside. "How'd it go?" Zoey asked.

"I feel good, but I've felt good about the past five that I didn't get." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. "Now it's just a waiting game."


After taking a shower and making some lunch for me and Zoey, I made my way out onto our balcony. I picked up a book, trying to distract myself, but I found myself checking my phone every thirty seconds.

Finally, my screen lit up with an unknown number. I let out a squeal, as I quickly picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi. Is this Kiki Conners?"

"Yes it is."

"This is Jonas Pate, one of the directors for Outer Banks. I just wanted to let you know that you got the role of Lily Thornton. Congratulations!"

"Oh my god thank you so much! I love this role!" I exclaimed.

"We can't wait to start shooting with you and the rest of the cast, I'll send you a text with more information."

"Thank you again! See you soon!" I hung up and screamed. Zoey tackled me in a side hug, having heard the whole conversation.

"See, I told you you'd get it!" We jumped around for a little bit in celebration, before making our way back inside. "When do you leave?"

"He said he'd text me later, but I should probably start packing. They made it sound like they were going to start shooting fairly soon."

"I'm so excited for you Keeks." Zoey smiled. "This is going to be such a fun adventure for you. I can't wait to see all your new hot costars." She winked.

"Actually, I bumped into this guy at the auditions, and he was really cute."

"Ooo Kiki's got a little cruuuush." Zoey teased as I shoved her shoulder.

"It's not a crush. He probably didn't even get the part." Secretly, I hoped he had.

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