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"And cut! That's a wrap for today guys, thank you for all your handwork. We'll be sending out the rest of the filming schedule soon." Jonas said to the group of actors.

We had spent the whole day at the house filming different scenes of the party. The majority of mine involved talking with Maddie or arguing with Austin. It had been an extremely long day, and I was glad to be heading back to the hotel.

"Keek! Mads! Some of the cast are coming over to my place for dinner do you wanna come?" Austin asked as we were walking back to the trailers.

"Sure sounds good big bro." He rolled his eyes chuckling as he ran off to his own trailer to change.

"So what'd you think of our first day?" Maddie asked.

"It was so much fun! I can't wait to keep filming with everyone." I smiled. "I'm exhausted though, these days are long."

"You can say that again." Maddie laughed.

We separated into our trailers to change back into our clothes before meeting each other at the car. The driver took us back to the hotel, and we made our way up to our room. I threw on a large sweatshirt and a pair of athletic shorts.

We walked down the hall to Austin's room, and knocked. JD opened the door as we were greeted with booming music. "Looks like the party's already started." Maddie said as we made our way to the living room.

Chase and Austin were sitting on one couch with Rudy on the other. JD took one of the chairs, and Maddie went to sit beside Chase. Rudy made room for me beside him, and I joined him. "How was your day of shooting?" He asked.

"Really good but exhausting." I sighed. "Did y'all shoot anything today?"

"Nah they gave us Pogues the day off, but we're scheduled for tomorrow. Some sort of bus scene." He reached his arm around me, leaning back on the couch.

"Drinks are here!" Madison called as she walked into the apartment. "Oh and dinner." She laughed, starting to hand out food. I grabbed a bag and a beer from her.

We talked about shooting that day while eating. The alcohol kept flowing, and I felt myself getting buzzed. Rudy pulled me closer to him, and I couldn't help but lean in. Maddie's comments from earlier played in my head, but I was too tipsy at the moment to resist. A little flirting never hurt anyone.

"There he is!" I heard JD call as the door swung open. I turned my head, and saw Drew make his way in.

He high fived Chase, and grabbed a beer from Austin. "Sorry guys, Mama Starkey called." He scanned the room, finally landing on me. His face turned up in a small smile until he looked down, seeing Rudy's arm draped around me. He turned back towards Chase, plastering a smile on his face. "What tom foolery have you been getting into?"

"Nothing yet, been waiting for the party to get here." JD responded, standing up. "Let's play a game."

"Truth or drink!" Maddie called, clearly a little tipsy herself.

"You're on Cline." Chase said, sitting beside her again. Drew sat across from me, everyone now in a circle around the coffee table.

"Ok Madison you go first." I said.

"Hmmm. JD what's the worst date you've ever been on?" Madison asked.

"Oh god one time this girl started crying within five minutes of sitting down. She started talking about her cat that had just died, and broke down sobbing. Not more than five words were said the entire time." He groaned as the rest of the group laughed.

"Rudy when's the last time you jacked off?" JD asked.

"About five minutes ago." The group groaned, and I jumped away from him. "I'm just kidding." He laughed. "Umm probably yesterday. Had to get it in before we got here." I rolled my eyes as the guys chuckled.

"Kiki have you ever faked an orgasm?" Rudy turned towards me.

"Yeah definitely. What girl hasn't?" Maddie and Madison laughed with me as we all shared a knowing look.

"Amen sista." Madison said, raising her arms to the sky. I happened to look over at Drew, who had a dark look in his eyes.

"Umm Chase have you ever been walked in on?" I asked.

"Oh my god yeah one time I brought this girl home and I thought my mom was at work, but right as I got up to get the condom she opens the door, and there I was fully naked. Traumatizing." He shuddered as we all cracked up.

"Drew what person in this room do you most want to hook up with?" Chase asked.

Drew's eyes widened and he looked around the room. "Definitely JD. Give me some of that chocolate baby." He winked, and we all laughed as JD puckered his lips.

"Nah no cop out man. For real, who you hooking up with?" Chase said.

Drew's eyes scanned from Maddie to Madison to me. Leaving his gaze on me, he picked up his cup and took a swig.

"Lame!" Rudy called.

"Hey you said I could tell the truth or drink. I choose drink." Drew responded, taking another swig. "Austin did you hook up with anyone on I Didn't Do It?"


"Omg who?" I said, leaning forward. I had been a huge fan of the show growing up.

"Nope. Not the question." He smirked.

"Alright you crazy folks we got an early morning tomorrow." Madison said, standing up.

"Aw come on man we were just getting started." Rudy groaned.

"You ready to head out Kiki?" Maddie asked me.

"Sure let's go." I said, standing up with her. "See you guys later."

"Bye." Everyone called out as the door shut behind us.

"I love this cast." I smiled as we walked into the elevator. "Everyone's so funny and nice."

"Yeah I don't think we could have gotten any luckier with who was casted." Maddie agreed. "I can't wait for this adventure together."

"It's sure going to be an adventure of a lifetime."

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