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"Room service!" A voice called from outside of our room. I groaned, rolling over in the bed. Maddie looked to be in just as bad state as I was, so clearly neither of us had the chance to order room service.

"These nights are going to kill me." I groaned as I tried to stand up. My head swam, and I ran to the toilet to avoid puking all over the floor. After wiping my mouth, I slowly made my way to the door.

I had barely opened it when JD and Rudy burst through. "What are you doing here?" I groaned as they flopped on the couch.

"We figured y'all could use some breakfast." Chase answered, walking through the door behind with Madison and multiple bags.

"Waffle House, yum." Maddie said, making her way out of our room with major bed head. My stomach growled in agreement.

We grabbed a few waffles each, and sat in the living room to eat. "Does anyone know what we're shooting today?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure it's a Kook Pogue fight. Should be interesting." Rudy smirked.

"Oh y'all are so going down." I punched Rudy in the shoulder, which he returned with wrapping me in a bear hug and pulling me down on top of him. He started to tickle me, and I squirmed in his arms trying to get out.

"Stop! I'm hungover!" I squealed as Rudy finally let me up.

"That's what I thought." He grinned.

"Shut up Pankow."

"Alright thank you for breakfast but I need to get dressed, so you boys need to get out of here." Maddie said, standing up.

"See you on set." I said as the boys picked up the trash and left the room.

"Kiki." Maddie said, turning to me with a straight face.


"Do you like Rudy?"

"What? No." I said, confused. "Why does everyone keep asking that?"

"Because you two are flirting. A lot. And I think he might like you."

"Ugh." I groaned. "Ok Maddie I have to tell you something." I sat down on my bed, and she joined me.

"I might have sort of made out with Drew last night."

"What?!" She exclaimed. "When did this happen?"

"Right before you pulled me onto the dance floor. We were dancing and I was drunk and he looked hot and I don't know." I sighed, putting my head in my hands. "It just happened."

"Kiki! So do you like him?"

"I haven't really gotten to know him. Sure he's cute, but we really haven't talked."

"Well we need to get on that." Maddie smiled. "I so ship y'all."

"Shut up." I blushed, following her to get ready for filming.


"Looking like a beautiful Kook to me." Deidre smiled, taking a step back and admiring her work. She had just finished getting me ready for the day. My hair was in loose waves and I was wearing a light purple sun dress over a white bikini.

"Thanks again!" I smiled and made my way out of the trailer. I walked past Rudy and JD who were standing by a tree when JD called out.

"Hey, Kiki can I talk to you?" I stopped, and he walked over to me.

"What's up?"

"So you and Starkey last night." He smirked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." But a small blush rose on my cheeks, giving me away.

"Suure. Well I just wanted to ask what was going on with you two?"

"Nothing's going on. There was a lot of alcohol flowing, it was a brief lapse in judgement, it won't be happening again." I said, when I heard an exhale behind me. I spun around, and saw Drew a few paces behind us.

"Drew-" But before I could get anything else out, he had walked away, and disappeared into the crowd of extras.

"Thanks JD." I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

"Hey, I didn't do anything." He held his hands up in defense.

"Nothing's going on between us so could you please drop it?"

"Whatever you say." JD chuckled as I turned away, making my way towards Jonas and Josh who looked like they were ready to start filming.

"Alright Kooks on this boat Pogues on this one. Chase can I get you right here, Rudy and JD over here." Josh pointed to two spots on one of the boats. "Kiki and Madelyn, can I get you over here. And Austin and Drew over there." Maddie and I went to the front of the boat while Drew and Austin were near the wheel.

"Alright let's keep this safe everyone, it's open water out here." Jonas called out. "3...2...1... Action!"

We spent the rest of the day filming the argument between mainly Chase and Austin. Rudy had a stunt with Drew which ended with them both having to jump in the water, which was entertaining. Maddie and I didn't have too many lines overall, so we spent most of the time just watching.

"Great job everyone, we'll pick this up again tomorrow!" Jonas told the crew, and everyone made their way back to shore. I was making my way up my trailer steps when I felt a hand grab my wrist.

"Hey Keek can I ask you something?" I turned around, and saw Rudy standing at the bottom of my steps.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Uh, would you want to grab a bite to eat sometime? Like just me and you?" I sighed, looking away from him.


"Oh no, it's chill I get it." He started to turn away.

"No, Rudy listen. I really like you, I do. You're super funny and a really nice guy. I just don't see you that way."

"No worries." He said quietly, making his way back to his trailer. I sighed, pushing my way into my own. I felt terrible, but I really just didn't like him like that. He was like a brother to me.

I put my own clothes back on and made my way out to meet Maddie. I looked around, but she seemed to still be in her trailer.

kiki conners
hey where r u?

maddieee 💚💚
i'm sorry! got caught up with chase
be there soon :)

I smirked at my phone. That girl is trouble. I took a seat on my trailer steps, figuring I'd wait there for her. At that moment, Drew made his way out of his trailer.

He looked around, and caught my gaze. However, he quickly looked away and made his way towards the parking lot.

"What's up Ms. Conners!" Maddie called, walking up to me. I gave her a small smile as I stood up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Maddie suddenly became serious.

"Boys." I sighed.

"Ugh. Boys are the worst." She gave me a knowing smile. "Tell me all about it." She wrapped an arm around me as we made our way to the car.

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