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All too soon, a blaring alarm sounded through the room. I groaned, rolling over and hitting my phone to shut off the noise.

Maddie hadn't moved, and I debated going back to sleep, but I figured being late on my first day wouldn't be the best idea.

I groaned one last time before rolling out of bed. "Maddie." I said, pulling her arm.

"Mmmm. Five more minutes." She mumbled, covering her face with a pillow.

"Come on we gotta get up." I said, pulling the pillow off.

"Ughh fine." She sat up, rubbing her eyes. "I'm highly regretting last night."

"Same here." I smiled, making my way to the bathroom. We put on minimal makeup, and some comfortable clothes before making our way down to the lobby.

"Morning." Chase said, managing a small smile. He looked just as exhausted as we were.

I made my way over to the coffee station where Rudy was making himself a cup. "Good morning." I said, giving him a small smile.

"Ugh. Too early." He groaned, and I laughed.

"See you at filming." I said, following Maddie to the car.

"What's up with you and Rudy?" She smirked, pushing me lightly with her elbow.

"Absolutely nothing. He's nice but definitely not my type."

"I don't know if he's aware of that." She said, and I sighed. The last thing I needed was any guy trouble right now.

I looked out the car door, taking in the sights of Charleston. I couldn't believe that in less than 24 hours I had not only landed here, I had met the nicest group of people, and was on my way to my first filming.

We pulled into a dirt lot filled with trailers, and me and Maddie got out of the car. "Girls, over here!" A woman called to us.

"Hi, I'm Jordyn." She smiled. "Let's get you two to hair and makeup." We started to follow her into one of the trailers when someone called out.

"Thornton!" I stopped, turning my head. No one had called me that yet, except...

The boy I ran into during the audition was running towards me. "Fancy seeing you here." He smirked, coming to a stop.

"I'm assuming that means you got the part?" I asked.

"You would assume correct."

"Congrats!" I smiled, which he returned.

"Same to you. Does that mean I get to know your real name now?"

"Hmm. We'll see about that."

"Well I'm Drew." He said.

"Ah so you're the one that didn't show last night."

"Yeah, sorry about that, family issues." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking away.

"I certainly understand." Me and my dad had a complicated history, one that I didn't often like to think about.

"Well good luck today Thornton." Drew said, turning towards another trailer.

"Same for you, see you on set." I said, heading to my own.

I opened the door, and was greeted by a friendly looking woman. "Hi, you must be Kiki! I'm Deidre Outlaw, I'll be your stylist for the show."

"Nice to meet you." I said back, making my way over to a chair. "Do you know what type of scenes I'm filming today?"

"Josh told me that it was a pretty light day, mainly just introductory things." Deidre explained, pulling my hair back. "Don't want to scare you guys off."

I smiled, and we chatted as she got me ready for the day. After my makeup, Deidre put me in a white, light weight floral shirt with denim shorts and sandals. She straightened my hair, and sprayed it before stepping back to admire her work.

"Looking good Miss. Thornton." She smiled.

"Thanks for all your help Diedre! See you later." I said, making my way out of the trailer. I could see a group of people by one of the large oak trees, and made my way over.

"Kiki!" Maddie turned as I approached the group. "You look great!" She remarked.

"Feeling like a Kook yet?"

"I know I am." Austin said, walking up to us in a red and white striped shirt. "Apparently we're filming one of the party scenes today."

"Ooo our first Kook party." I smiled.

"Attention everyone!" A man called from the center of the circle. "Welcome to the first day of shooting!" The cast let out a collective yell. "Today we're going to try to get most of the shooting done for Topper's first party of the summer, so everyone make your way to the house."

We turned towards a huge white house, and people began to form groups based on their shooting locations. "Kiki, Maddie, over here!" I heard Austin call out to us, and we made our way over.

He was standing with a group of guys, one of which was Drew. "Hey Thornton. Or should I say Kiki?"

"Guess my cover's blown. Kiki Conners. Nice to meet you." He smiled and shook my hand as a crew member walked over to us.

"Alright Conners and North come with me. The rest of you stay here until other crew members give you instructions." I followed her and Austin to the front where Josh and Jonas were sitting beside a camera.

"Alright guys, are you ready for your first scene? We're going to shoot the fight between Topper and Lily over her hanging around the Pogues." We both nodded. Thank god I had read on the plane, I had almost no time to review my lines since I had been here.

"Alright we're going to start with you Kiki. 3...2...1... action!"

I turned towards Austin, getting into character. "Topper you're not Dad! You don't have control over where I go or who I hang out with!"

"No, but you still represent this family!" Austin argued back. "Just because Dad is away on business doesn't mean you get to do whatever and whoever you want."

"Excuse me?! What is that supposed to mean?" I yelled, walking closer to him.

"Oh don't play that card with me Lily. I know you've been sleeping around with that Pogue. What's his name, JJ?"

I scoffed and looked away. "There is absolutely nothing going on with me and JJ, but even if there was it's none of your business."

"Whatever Lily. If you want to screw up your future go ahead. Just don't come running to me when Dad kicks you out and you have no where to go."

I felt the camera zoom in on me, and I let my tears fill my eyes. "It's not like I was ever a true part of this family anyways." I said quieter.

"And cut!" Jonas called from behind the camera. "Great job guys! Got it done in one take. Y'all are good for now, we'll call you when we need you again."

I smiled to Austin and he held up his hand for a high five. "Great job sis."

"You too big bro." My first scene was officially a success.

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