Chapter 1 The City of Fizzwill

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𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙞𝙣 1𝙨𝙩 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣, 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮

" WEREN'T assigned here..?" Questioned a tiny human like cat.

"Nope, not one bit, I bet she is though." I pointed towards my blue haired friend, and she gave me a punch to the gut afterwards, at least she didn't deny it. We got into this weird world after being sucked into it when I activated something on an old computer, but that's a story for another time. I wasn't feeling like telling this..'cat' that I'm from somewhere, probably far away. Afterall, I just met them.

"So...mind telling me how you got here?" Asked the cat again, and thus begins this story.

What a fine day it was.

Birds we're singing beneath the autumn tree's as the leaves slowly fall and crumble onto the sparkling fresh dried concrete sidewalk, where-as my friend and I were visting a blue and green colored park where we usually hanged out.

"Sidney! Why won't you help me pile up leaves!? I wanna jump onto them!!" I yelled, I was a messy brown haired 12 year old girl, Charlotte's my name, with deep green eyes, a messy green T-shirt, and burgundy-like shorts. I just kept on piling up leaves on the freshly cut grass, although allergic, I didn't care.

"Charlotte, it's obvious why! I'm reading the new book Idson Quiver released, and I'm finishing a chapter with the worst cliff-hanger in history! Plus, we have school next week, Middle School. We have to keep our minds sharp! Summer is just a 2 month break that rots your brain!" A scratchy but wise voice exclaimed. Her name's Sidney, the blue haired friend I mentioned earlier. She was a 12 year old girl with the weirdest natural hair color, blue. With purple-like eyes, and had an amber star-shaped stone necklace around her. Wearing a purple sweater, and light-ish grey sweatpants. She held a heavy book called, "Mysteries of the Owl Knocker". Which was a new part of a series she was reading, she liked fantasy books and novels, but every now and then, she plays some of the video games, but that's just Sidney.

Sidney and I stared at each other for a while, until I got extremely bored and just jumped on the sad pile of crunchy leaves. Sidney saw my sad expression and invited me to read the new book with her, which I obviously declined.

    I liked fun outside, Sidney didn't.

Sidney liked reading books inside, I didn't.

       Of course, we got along just fine. A few disagreements here and there, and too many documentaries on why rats cause health problems. Still, we became close friends over time. I lost track of time until eventually, Sidney had to leave.

"Well, I should head back home, my parents are going on a business trip so I might as well just tidy up the house for them."

"Again!? Sidney, your parents have kept going on business trips for so long, I bet they're in their senior years by now!" I questioned.

       Sidney just stared at me while fiddling with her fingers, shivering from the cold breeeze, as nightfall passed on by. She had a worried expression on her face, like she just got yelled at. I didn't want to ask anymore questions, so I continued.

       "But, you gotta do what you gotta do, have a great evening then." I waved back, and walked away.

         The same busy highway that I heard was miles away, walking towards my apartment in the city. My parents, now parent, were quite wealthy, and bought an apartment 5 floors into the skies. Whereas my mother, two brothers, and a younger sister all lived. How fun. Food Palace and Foxies Chicken Wings were across the street I was walking on. I was pretty hungry so I checked my pocket to see if I had any spare change. I just had 7 bucks and 8 cents, just enough to buy a chicken wing combo with a small sized iced tea.

       Fizzwill was a busy city, depending which side you were on, the fields, the calm neighborhoods, and the town central, which was where I lived, on 16th Avenue of Orville's Apartment complex. It's easy to manage, but the townsfolk are annoying as every.

       As I ate the very crunchy chicken, I checked the time, 6:32 PM. My cerfew was at 7, so I decided to leave soon. The breeze was cold, and I didn't bring a jacket. Which pissed me off rather quickly, considering the circumstances. That's when I heard the faintest of sound in the skies. Thunder.

"Great! Just great! I didn't bring a jacket, and those clouds don't look happy at all! Ugh, how could this day get any worse!?" I exclaimed as I threw away my trash away at a nearby trash bin and ran towards Orvilles. Dozens of people looked my way after my rant. Yikes..I luckily still had my keys, so I took the elevator, level 5, and kept running down the hallway until I saw Unit 512, my apartment.

"I'm home Mom!!" I yelled out and slacked onto the couch, my mom wasn't home, again. My strawberry blonde haired little sister was at a sleepover, my brown haired, red loving, nerd boy, older brother Michael, was at the library studying for his 4th year in High School. My other, much older, blonde haired brother, Hunter, was in his dorm room at his college called Orca. They all seemed to study the same things as me, I guess that's just family.

"Crap.. I'm alone, again.." I hated being alone, which would happen every so often, you'd think I'd get used to it, but the fear just kept on causing chaos inside my head. Our dad left us when I was 6 years old, well, I was about to turn 6. It was a simple party, my mom and I were in the kitchen making my favorite chocolate cupcakes with cherry frosting. My brother's spent time with me, my little sister wasn't a bother, and we were all one, big happy family. Until one particular day. My memory is a bit foggy after that, but I do remember him wearing a lab coat with his other friend, Dr. Kile, and driving off.

Things were never the same after that birthday.

Eventually I got up from the couch and closed the beige curtains, the lights were blinding my eyes, and wouldn't let me sleep. I then ran towards the red couch, grabbed a blanket, and turned over and over until I felt comfortable and silently, fell asleep. I then started to wonder the chaos that would occur, at my new Middle School, as cold rain drops fell from the starry night sky.

The Darkside: The Lost Souls     BOOK 1 (REWRITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora