Chapter 4 Drama Begins

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You would think Middle School in the future would be fun, but you're wrong, mostly nothing's changed. No matter which planet you're on nowadays, it's the same thing! Sure, there are many futuristic developments in my middle school, but the system goes a little like this: Six Periods, one lunch break, no way out.

I'll be honest, there are some things that I'm glad changed. My brothers always described their experience as plain, Like if as almost nothing happened. Thankfully, they gave me advice before they suggested to move out early, and I knew how to defend myself, well..almost. Anyway, here's how my day went

A week after the orientation and I was already late for my first day, I didn't eat breakfast and I had a very good dream that I cooked up in my sleep. My mom wasn't home, meaning I had to walk to school, well, I ran mostly. I ended up being 3 minutes late but classes haven't started yet, I caught Sidney at her locker, she had a weird look in her eyes. So I thought it would be a good idea to talk with her.

"Hey, Sidney!" I called out

        "Oh, Charlotte..Hi!" She replied back, "Need something?"

          She sounded strange, which she usually sounds like, but this was a...different, kind of strange. I thought she would ask her daily dose of questions about what I last ate, drank, or something, but she didn't, I immediately knew something was wrong. Very wrong. The bell rang, and she immediately ran off, like if something scared her.  I wanted to run after her, but I didn't want to be late for my advisement class, so I turned the other way.

          I entered into my classroom A56, and I was met by a pare of brown eyes and fluffy dark hair, Johnny! He told me that he was my table mate so he would show me around, found it weird, but I was fine with it, classic John. For some reason, he was red, I asked if he was okay, and he snapped out of it, held my hand, and introduced me to my advisement teacher. His face was still red, his hands felt like they were boiling, and he kept muttering something under his breath, but I figured it was just Johnny, maybe he's sick? I kept on rambling questions inside my mind until I heard another's voice.

       "Hello! And who might this be, Johnny?" A tall, bearded and rather old man said. He looked like my grandfather so much, I almost thought it was him and it was tempting to hug him. My grandpa passed away years ago, it was really sad, but I always wondered how he died. My parents wouldn't discuss it. I started rambling question inside my mind until a soft voice snapped me back into reality.

       "Charlotte, you okay? You've been staring at Mr. Weaver for a while now." I blinked instantly and remembered I was in a cold room full of people I still didn't know, except my amazing friend Johnny. I stepped back and almost tripped, which caused Johnny to immediately grab me by my waist. We just stared at each other, me feeling uncomfortable and him looking all red! We just let go and looked away, nothing special. No matter how much I wished, to my dismay, everyone was staring, including the teacher I was supposed to be meeting!

       "Charlotte, correct?" He asked me, I stood straight and looked up at him. Feeling all sweaty and anxious

       "That's me, sir!" I said back, he stared into my eyes again, and let out a soft chuckle.

       "You remind me of my daughter, those green eyes look so familiar. Too familiar indeed. Pleasure to meet you Charlotte, as you heard, I'm this classroom's teacher, Mr. Weaver!" He stood up and shook my hand. His hand felt awfully cold but somehow gave me a nice feeling, felt like it was my grandfather again.

       "Pleasure's mine, sir!" I replied in a soft, yet loud tone. It was nice to somehow see my grandfather again, even if he wasn't.

        After that weird incident in advisement, now the whole school's been talking about it and me and Johnny have been tired hearing of the same thing over and over. Our friends make fun of us sometimes but it's all just jokes at the end of the day. I didn't see Sidney however, which kind of scared me. I could have texted her at the end of the day, but something told me not to. It's crazy what a first day can do to a child, little did I know that things would eventually take a turn..for the worst.

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