Chapter 3 RileyOak Middle School

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       The orientation at the middle school wasn't anything special. Sure I got greeted by my teachers, showed my classes, and got some cool crystal candy from them (one was a dentist). But something felt off. Of course, Rachel.

      "Well well well, no matter where I go, I also seem to bump into you!" A young chipmunk like voice said. Her name was Rachel, dark poop brown eyes, brown wavy hair, those disgusting nail clippings, and was wearing her stupid striped sweater she's been wearing for weeks! We aren't friends in general, more like enemies. Her horrible fake southern accent just makes me hate her even more, it's so annoying.

      "Knock it off Rachel, I'm just trying to figure out the rest of this school myself, I don't some tech savvy diva to ruin it for me." I replied back. The face she gave was very disgusted, and she just walked away. I was glad, I can finally look around the school in peace and see if I could rent a room for my band. You see, I have a band, we call ourselves the Rock n' Roll Kites! It's just me, the electric guistarist, Austyn the keyboard expert, Lilac as the bass, and our drummer, Johnny!

        If I could describe Austyn in one word, it would be very timid. They are pretty chill but also very shy about everything. I can't really blame them, they sure have a truckload of trauma. They have brown hair, brown eyes, the same shaggy, purple beanie, and sweaters at least twice their size, but I am not one to complain.

Lilac is so out going! Her dark green hair and misty brown eyes can really tell you she's really nice! Her dark purple nails and her dark skin really tie it together, we all call her the Queen of of band. Trust me, if you ever would like a friend who would never judge you, it's her.

Johnny, now where do I even start? The man has black hair and has been friends with me since we were little kids, I'm the only one who's allowed to call him by his nickname, John. His drumming skills are one of the reasons we are over the top! To be honest, I'm really glad we're friends, makes me want to tear up a bit.

Sadly my luck got worse, I saw Sidney across the tiled halls, being pestered around by that roach Rachel, as well as her friend Michelle. Michelle is your average light blonde hair girl with misty, cold, baby blue sky eyes and wears quite soft looking sweaters. She has the looks and her BuzPic profile has over a hundred thousand people following her, so it was obvious she was another popular girl.

"Look, can't you just, leave me alone for at least ten minutes?!" Sidney cried out, "I just want to find the library to set up my club!"

Michelle replied back in a whiney tone, "Oh, shut it blue haired nerd, I have no idea which anime you're cosplaying as, but we need you to crawl back to where you came from. No one here has natural blue hair!"

I couldn't just stand there and see this all happen, so I stepped in and grabbed Sidney by the hand, and shouted out.

"Hey! Leave Sidney alone! We are trying to have a perfectly good morning and we don't need you two ruining it for us!" I yelled at those girls as best as I could without losing my breath. I was so mad, I'm pretty sure steam came out of both my ears.

      "And let you have all the fun? HA! That's such nonsense, your little peanut brain won't last 2 minutes here, this is where the best of the best belong, and your just..not there." Those words Rachel just spat back we're enough to just loosen up my arms and just as I did, Rachel gave me a swift punch to my face, all l I could remember was blacking out, and waking up inside the nurses office.

"Hello, Charlotte, correct?" I heard a young but mature voice from across the room, I immediately rose from the navy blue cot I was laying on, turns out Sidney took me to the nurse after Rachel's punch. The nurse had a teal medical shirt on with black jeans. She had brown hair with bright amber eyes, wow, did she look pretty!

I gave her a thumbs up as she put an icepack over my black eye. Sidney was outside the office, holding in her tears, until I came out.

"CHARLOTTE!! Are you okay? Does it still hurt!? Tell me!!"

"Sidney, I'n fine! This isn't the first time, calm down! You look like a crying waterfall, come on, theres a vending machine over there and I have money, let's go get something okay?"

We stopped by the fancy vending machine, and it sure had a lot of snacks, it had from breakfast foods, pre-made lunches, desserts, snacks, and drinks! I bought Sidney her favorite granola bar, Bite n' Dash choco chip was her favorite. I just bought myself a bag of Itty's potato chips.

The oreintation day went on by, it wasn't the best but I did find a room to rent, and Sidney asked the librarian if she could set up her book club in one of the study rooms, which they allowed. I met some of my band members, and we all set up the band room and talked about our summers.

Lilac exlaimed," I went to visit my older sister at her University, she had 3 weeks off so we had the best vacation ever! We also went to visit another country!"

"That must have been pretty fun, I got my dad to finally play some video games with me! He sure did like them, and we hope to play again another day!" Replied Johnny

"Mine was stressing, but turned out great in the end, Mid way during my summer, I came out to my parents as non-binary and I used They/Them pronouns, at first I thought thwy were going to ground me, yell, punish me with something.." Austyn paused, they sounded very sad, then they shouted out of no where! "Instead they just hugged me and took me out to the movies and we had ice cream, they said they still loved me and I am so glad I did it, now I feel more respected than ever!"

"Classic Austyn, always tricking us with their stories!" I chuckled, I told the others my summer was just the usual but I sure did kick Makenzies butt, we all laughed, we practiced, and said goodbye at the end of the day as I thought about Middle school even more.

The Darkside: The Lost Souls     BOOK 1 (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now