Chapter 5 The Ghost and The Hare

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       Now, you might be thinking, when are we going to get back to the "There's a talking cat and a blue haired nerd talking to me!!" part. The thing is, I wasn't going to, but the cat did it for me.

        "OW! What the hell?!" I exclaimed in shock. Katy, the cat's name, slapped me in the face during my life story, and she had the face of death, reminds me of Makenzie.

        Katy replied seconds later, "You idiot! Don't you see we're in the middle of hiding from the tree guy?! I just asked one simple question, and I don't think it included your love life, genius."

         "Charlotte, she has a point." Sidney said, in her shy but mighty tone, "Something is around here, and for all we know, it could be trying to kill us!" Sidney looked panicked and started to take her notebook out of her backpack to start writing, which helped her calm down. After a couple of minutes, She just started doodling while me and Katy were discussing a plan on how to get rid of this plant.

           If you didn't quite catch it, once Sidney and I arrived at this weird place, there were a bunch of wonky trees and one of them in particular stood out. It eventually tried to attack us but then Sidney forced me to sacrifice Polly, my electric guitar. I hit the tree with full force and we started to run off, that's when I crashed into a bush. But that wasn't we're I met that cat..I met some faces that seemed..oddly familiar in a way.

                 Tuliwan Forrest, 2:46 PM

          "Sorry! I told you we can't exactly walk in his library without his favorite offerings!"

            "Well, what offering do you suggest? It's the "library god" we're talking about, is it not?"

            "What about flowers?" The voices grew louder and louder, perhaps we've found some people to help us around this weird place. Sidney and I walked cautiously, hoping to find something friendly, unlike the power blasting tree that brutally murdered my POLLY! That sweet electric guitar will be missed. Anyways, what was I thinking abou-

            "AHH!" Sidney yelped! She tripped over a twig and burst through the bush, yanking my hair while falling too! Suddenly we're seeing a yellow-greenish eyed green haired rabbit and a transparent ghost with a bow on it's head looking down upon us.

             "A new friend?" The ghost asked.

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