chapter 13

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 Bucky was happily playing in the sandbox now. Daddy and uncle Sam got him lots of new toys to play with, and he has his shovel and pail and his construction trucks and some toy animals to play with in the sand!

 Since the first time they came to the park last week they come every day now. Bucky always has lots of fun at the park!

 Steve and Sam are sitting on the bench at the edge of the playground, watching Bucky play in the sandbox. They both have to smile at how cute Bucky is, giggling and chattering to himself as he rolls his trucks around.

 Across the park, beyond the treeline separating them from the road, Steve sees a black SUV with tinted windows pull up to the curb. Nobody gets out, it just stops and sits there. He gets an uneasy feeling, but it's probably nothing. He'll just have to keep an eye on it.

 "Sam." Steve says.


 "You see that truck?" Steve asks, pointing it out.

 "Yeah. What about it?" Sam asks.

 "You think it looks a little suspicious? Just sitting there idling, tinted windows? Right next to a playground?"

 "I guess. We'll keep an eye out. Bucky's safe, Steve. He's got both of us. You don't need to worry."

 "Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks for the reassurance."

 They look back to the sandbox, where Bucky is still playing. Soon he gets up and comes over to the bench.

 "Daddy." Bucky pouts. "Wet?"

 "Okay, Bucky bear. Let's go fix that." Steve says. He gets up, grabbing the diaper bag and taking Bucky's hand to lead him to the park bathrooms. 

 A woman with a baby stroller is walking up the sidewalk toward them. Steve thinks that's a tad odd. This is a littles playground, not a children's one. There is a baby blanket over the seat of the stroller. But, she could just be out for a walk. Steve ignores it and continues towards the bathroom with Bucky. 

 The woman passes them, but she's too close and knocks the diaper bag out of Steve's hand as she does. 

 "Oh! I'm so sorry!" She says. She bends down to grab the bag and hands it back to Steve. 

 "That's alright, ma'am. No harm done." Steve says. He eyes the covered baby stroller. "I think there is a children's playground nearby somewhere. This one is meant for littles. Wouldn't want your child getting hurt on the big equipment here." He explains. 

 "Oh, we're just taking a walk. I was trying to get her to nap, and walking around in the stroller usually does the trick." The woman says cheerfully. "Thank you, though. Sorry again!"

 "It's alright. Have a nice day!" Steve says.

 He gets to the bathroom and pulls down the changing station, laying Bucky on it to change him.

 "Baby?" Bucky asks.

 "Yeah. She had a baby in the stroller. She's taking a nap." Steve explains as he changes the diaper. 

 "No nap." Bucky says.

 Steve chuckles. "Yes nap. After lunch. You have another half hour to play until we go back to Sam's for lunch."

 He finishes taping the new diaper and snapping Bucky's overalls back up. "All done. You want to go play more?"

 "Yeah!" Bucky says.

 They leave the bathroom and Bucky runs back to the sandbox. Steve goes back to the bench, taking his seat next to Sam.

 Brock Rumlow sits back, lowering his binoculars. "It's done." He says. He pulls his Marlboro pack out of his pocket, lighting one up.

 "Do you have to smoke in the van?" Rollins asks.

 "Yeah, I do. It's not like I can get out, Cap and his fucking bird friend will see us." Rumlow says. "Amanda already placed the bug anyway. We can go now as long as you've got the signal."

 "I got it." Says Rollins. He shuts his laptop. "Let's go."

 They climb over the seats back into the front of the van. Rollins starts the van and they drive off.

 Rumlow smokes his cigarette as he thinks.

 That was almost too easy. It can't be this easy.

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