That Boy's Bad News

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Matt's POV:

What the hell was wrong with me? In a matter of hours, I'd seen a level of destruction that most people only ever see on tv, I'd helped save the lives of two people, had a breakdown over losing the two most important people in my life, had a heart to heart with Ebony, and now here I was fighting an attraction to someone that had just been through hell. It had to be the adrenaline, right? That had to be the reason I was finding it hard to get the image of her bare breast out of my mind, right? But even as I tried to convince myself that that was the case, that the adrenaline was what was making my emotions and feeling range from one end of the spectrum to the other, I knew it was a lame excuse for what I was feeling. Truth be known, it had been months since I'd held a woman in my arms. It had been even longer since I'd held a child, my daughter being the last one. Yet here I was, acting like a teenager who had just seen his first real-life tit.

And what a beautiful, full, tit it was. All perfectly round and full, nipples the color of strawberries, just begging to be suckled. The logical part of my brain knew that was because she was breastfeeding her child, but that didn't mean that the horndog side of it didn't wonder what it was feel like to flick my tongue over the hardened bud, to hear the sounds she would make as I revved her up. Just thinking about it had the brainless wonder in my pants twitching with interest, making the sweats I my uniform pants beneath my turnout gear a little too tight. Yep, there was something wrong me. I didn't even know this woman's name, yet she was at the forefront of my mind.

"You okay?" said Ebony as she walked up beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder and pulling me from my thoughts. Good damn thing too because that line of thinking was going to either get me in trouble or result in me getting an indecent expose charge, scarring all the nursing staff and patients.

"Yeah, just a rough night." I said, hoping that Ebony brought it, that she didn't question why my heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest.

"You can say that again." She said around a yawn. "What are you doing out here in the hallway. Figured it would take the hounds of hell chasing you to tear you away from that little girl in there."

"She said she wanted some privacy to make her phone calls. Plus, the baby was hungry." I said, the image of her perfect bare breast popping into the forefront of my mind all over again.

"That's understandable. Not often you find a woman who doesn't mind whipping her boob out to anyone and everyone around when it comes to her child being hungry. Saw a woman in the grocery store the other day who had literally whipped her's out over the ten of her tank top and was pushing the cart while the baby sat in it drinking from her chest. Mind you that child looked to be about two." Said Ebony.

"Bet you loved that. You love looking at tits just as much as any man." I said, leaning close so that no one walking but could hear out conversation. Especially that last part.

Looking at my sister-in-law, I once again compared her to my wife. The two might have shared the same DNA and looked like mirror images of one another, but that was where the similarities stopped. Where Cassie had been reserved, often preferring the company of a good book, a soft blanket, and a steamy cup of coffee, Ebony had been the type that liked to party whenever she had the time, never wanting to be alone or have quite time. Bu that wasn't the biggest difference. Oh no, that would be each of their paths to finding love. Obviously, Cassie had been attracted to men, but Ebony batted for the other team, preferring to have her relationships with women. And over the years, some of them had been pretty damn hot. Especially that traveling nurse that she had dated a couple years ago. That girl would have easily been on the cover of any magazine that was in her circulation. I wonder what happened to her...

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