Game On Part 2

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Matt's POV:

Why was it when you were anticipating something, time seemed to stand still? I knew that wasn't physically possible, but damn if it didn't feel like it as she set across from in at the small table in the back corner of the Italian restaurant. I watched as she practically inhaled her pasta in a rush to finish up dinner. My only hope was that she was planning on skipping desert. Not that I thought that she needed to or anything. It was just that I didn't know if I could handle another minute of her moaning as the taste of the food blossomed on her tongue. Lord knows I'd did my own moaning tonight.

Even after eating the most delicious shrimp alfredo I'd ever eaten, there was only one taste still on my tongue, and that was the taste of her juices from where I'd dipped my finger inside of her earlier. No matter how much I tried to think about anything else, the taste of her on my tongue mixed with the image of her bare breasts in the middle of the parking hot had left me with a hard on that made me thankful for the white table clothes that were on the table and hiding the evidence of my arousal. Then again, with what I was feeling, how desperate I was to have her beneath me, was it even arousal anymore? Or was it something much bigger? Is there anything bigger than arousal? Need... yes, I was in serious need of her and her body and the pleasure that I knew that I would get from her and that I would give to her.

Sitting in the chair across from her as my mind raced with the possibilities that were to come, I watched as she fidgeted in her chair. Not going to lie, I was curious of what she was doing. But that curiosity was soon satisfied when I watched her reach her hand onto the table, her fist closed.

"Give me your hand." She said softly.

Lifting my hand onto the table, I felt her slip something inside my palm before closing my hands around it. Based on the feel of the material, I knew what it was and knew without a shadow of a doubt what she had just given me. But to satisfy my own curiosity and confirm that my suspicions were right, I placed the hand in my lap before opening my fist. There, in the palm of my hand was the miniscule lace thong that she had been wearing only moments ago. The animalistic side of me begged me to lift the material to my nose and breath deeply, but the gentlemanly side of me had me shoving them into my pocket for safe keeping. Much like you would see in the movies, I raised my hand, silently telling the waiter that I was ready for the check. I mean who could blame me? My girlfriend was sitting across from me panty-less and I knew for a fact that she was as ready as I was to take this little party over to the hotel so that we could both go at one another like we were both craving.

It might have only been a couple of minutes since the waiter had brought me the check and left to run my card, but damn if it didn't seem like time had once again stopped. Chancing a glance over at Stormy, I saw her skin flush. Evidently, she was reading the hunger in my eyes for her and knew that I was close to the edge because a small smirk came over her face, telling me that she thought she was about to win this little game. Not if I can help it... I might not be able to have my way with her in the middle of this restaurant, but the ride to the hotel and the elevator up to the room were both fair game. Just thinking about the elevator made me think of those Fifty Shades of Gray movies that I'd heard so much about until I'd finally caved and watched them. Boy, had Ebony had a field day with my ass when she found out that not only had I watched the movies, I'd read the books. She'd found my copies of them one day while she was helping me rearrange the living room and switch out the blackout curtains that I'd hung for some that she said were more aesthetically pleasing, whatever the hell that meant.

When the waiter returned with my card, I nearly broke his arm when I took it from and quickly scribbled my signature on the line and added a generous tip. I knew anyone looking at me and seeing the way I reached for Stormy's hand and tugged her behind me knew I had one thing on my mind. But ask me if I cared.

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