Angels Among Us

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Matt's POV:

The fire at the Georgia Pacific Lumber Yard was verging on being out of control. But then again, it was a sawmill and wood burned so what could you expect. My crew as well as the Seaboard Fire Department and the Jackson Fire Department were fighting the flames as best as they could, but no matter how much water was sprayed or how much we tried to get it contained to one area, the fire outsmarted us, jumping from location to location. Facility itself was a total loss but we were working diligently to try and at least save the warehouse. And we were finally starting to get some head way too. We had gotten the flames down to a manageable level and it was time for some guys to go in to clear the structure, which was risky in itself since the structure had sustained some significant damage.

"Martin, Sawyer. Yall are with me!" I yelled over the sound of water flooding the structure and the noise in general that came from fighting fires.

With our heads on a swivel, the three of us began making our way into the massive warehouse. Martin took the east side of the building, Sawyer took the West side, and I took the North. Slowly and steadily, we worked out way through the building looking for anyone that may have been inside the warehouse when the fire jumped to the structure.

"West side is clear" I heard Sawyer say through the coms.

"East side is clear." Said Martin a few moments later.

I was just about to radio in that the north side of the building was clear when I caught a glimpse of what looked to be men's work boots. Hustling over, I moved cautiously. The closer I got, I realized that there was someone under a beam that had fallen

"Need some help over here! We have a victim!" I yelled into my coms as I tried to move the heavy beam. But it was useless. I was a strong man, but I couldn't even budge the beam. Trying once more, I lifted it all my strength. I ha just felt like I was beginning to make some headway when I heard Martin and Sawyer yelling something. It sounded a hell of a lot like get out the way but I wasn't sure. The sound of wood crashing had my head turning about the time a timber fell, hitting me across the back and pinning me to the floor. Pain radiated through my body as the world around me went black.


I had to be dreaming. That was what had to be happening right? That was the only reason I would be seeing Cass walking towards me, a glow around her making her look like angels do when you see them in the movies. The closer she got, the brighter the glow grew. Holding my breath, I watched as she knelt down in front of me and placed a hand on my shoulder. Yep, this had to be a dream. No way was I really feeling her touch.

"Matt, I've missed you so much." She said, her voice sounding just like I remembered. The sound of it washed over me, calming me in a way that I hadn't felt in years.

"You have no idea how much I have missed you." I said, tears clogging my voice. Damn she was more beautiful than I remembered.

"You know I have been with you every second since I gained my wings, right? I have been with you every step of the way. I've seen every close call. I've felt every pain you have felt. I've cried with you when you got to missing Danni and I so much that you didn't want to live without anymore."

"Cass I-"

"Matt., I love you sweetheart and I will always love you. I will always protect you as best I can." She said, placing a hand on my check. I couldn't help it. Tears started rolling down my face. "But I want you to be happy too sweetheart. I see the way you are with Stormy and Sadie, and it makes my heart so happy that you have found love again. But in order to keep that love, you have to wake up."

"But I don't want to wake up. I want to be with you. I miss you so damn much that it hurts Cass. But it's not just me Cass. Ebony misses you. You're parents, the ladies at the foundation. We all miss you so fucking bad." My vulgar slip earned a glare from me -something that she used to do all the time when my inner sailor came out- making me smile even as tears streamed down my face.

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