Game On Part 1

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Stormy's POV:

The next few days all seemed to be a blur. The Helping Hands Foundation found Sadie and I a new place to live that was close to my work which was a good thing since I was going to have to save up to get a new car. Was a good thing they found something quickly too because Matt hadn't been joking about all the clothes that he had for me. I was pretty sure that I now owned more clothes that what Walmart could hold. Everything from flowy summer dressed to thick winter sweaters and everything in between was now hanging in the closet of the new house.

But my living arrangements are not the only thing that has changed over the past few days. Things between Matt and I have been moving pretty fast. So fast in fact that I was worried that whatever this was between us was going to burn out just as fast as it started. Which was a bad way to think when you are trying to make a relationship work. But given my track record with men, no one would blame me for wondering when I was going to finally see the flaw that was going to make me realize that this was just in good fun and nothing serious, right?

But even as I had the thoughts, I knew that I was kidding myself. I hadn't found the nerve to talk to Matt about what I was a feeling, but I was damn sure feeling something. And it was unlike anything that I have ever felt before. With Joel, I'd thought that I was in love. But now, the feelings I was feeling for Matt were leaning more towards the kind of love that I witnessed from my parents and the type you see in those cheesy rom com's that everyone loves. And it was a scary thought. Was it possible to fall in love with someone that you have only known for two weeks? Or was I still hung up on him from since he saved my life and that of Sadie's as well?

Whatever it was or wasn't, I needed to figure it out fast. Because Matt would be here in 20 minutes to pick me up for our date. A date that included a hotel room in a neighboring town for the weekend. His promise of taking his time with me replayed in my head for the millionth time since that night in Windy's backyard, wondering if tonight was going to be the night that he made that promise come true. I'd be lying if I said the thought didn't make me wet from anticipation. I mean, that was just natural. Every woman wants a man that will take his time and makes sure that she knows that he isn't a minute man, just out to get his.

Pushing my dirty thoughts to the back of my mind, I slipped on the strapless maxi dress and the borrowed wedge sandals before heading into the living room. Matt hadn't told me where we were going so I hadn't known what to wear. I just hoped the dress wasn't too casual but not too dressy either. Sitting down on the couch, I fidgeted, unable to sit still. I was too nervous about what tonight was going to bring.

Standing up since sitting on the couch and fidgeting was just going to make my dress wrinkled, I made my way into the kitchen and poured myself double shot of tequila to help settle my nerves. I'd just downed the shot with no chaser when I heard a knock at the door that had the liquor threatening to make its way back up. Why was I so nervous? I mean my god, the man has seen naked and literally kissed my ass. So why the hell was I freaking out over a date and a stay at a motel for the weekend. There was literally nothing that we could do in that room that we haven't already done.

Forcing myself to walk towards the door, I took a deep, cleansing breath before I opened it up. Standing there in a white button up, jeans, boots, and his ball cap on his head, he looked good enough to eat. An image of fisting the two sides of his shirt and tugging it open making the button clatter on the floor before peppering his chest with biting kisses popped into my mind. Matt must have been able to read my thoughts -or at least have an idea of the direction they had headed in- because his voice, sounding like hot, sweaty, dirty sex, pulled me from my daydream.

"I know what you're thinking darlin. Believe, I'm thinking the same damn thing." He said. I felt his eyes trail over my body before he started speaking again. "More than you know, I want to act on the feelings I'm feeling but more than anything, I want to give you a night that you deserve. I want to show you that you are worth the whole wining, dining, and sixty-nining that I have planned for tonight." His words rendered me speechless. Never in my life had a man been so blatant about what he wanted from a woman and made it sound so damn sexy. Not that I was a shrinking violet or anything. It was just that sort of talk had never hit any of my hot buttons -until Matt started saying them.

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