Open Mouth, Insert Foot

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Matt's POV:

There was only one way to describe what I had just happened between Stormy and I. Life affirming is what it had been. Never in my life had I experienced something so moving in my life. That thought messed with my mind thought because as much as I had loved Cassie and still did, what Stormy and I had just shared had been so much more moving than anything Cass and I had ever experienced. But having the thoughts messing with my mind didn't put a damper on my mood like I thought it would. In fact, I felt more alive than I had in a long damn time.

Pulling Stormy flush against me when she went to wiggle out of my hold, I placed my lips on the spot where her neck and should connected, trailing hot, wet kisses as I worked my way up to her ear.

"Where do you think you're going?" I whispered just before I nipped at her lobe, pulling a moan from her that send blood pooling in my cock once more. I had never been like this with a woman -so ready at the drop of a pin- yet here I was, my dick becoming hard once more, ready to find release.

"Not that I think I could walk, but I do need to get back to my sisters." She said as she rolled to her side, placed a hand on the center of my chest and leaning up so that she was looking into my eyes. "Sadie is going to need to be fed soon and I only left enough milk to get though my shift."

"Okay." I said, my thought of her bare breasts filling my minds eyes. After everything she and I had done on this fire truck, tasting her breast on my tongue was not one of them. Suddenly -and stupidly I might add- I felt myself growing jealous of the toddler that was going to get to suckle her when I hadn't gotten the chance. Pushing myself up onto my elbows, I kissed her lazily before breaking it. When I looked at her again, her green eyes were hooded desire. What I wouldn't do to make sure that look stayed on her face.

"I'll climb down first just so I can be down there in case you fall." I said when she rolled away from me, my body instantly missing her.

"Okay." She said.

I had to fight the urge to take her once more when I saw that look that came over her face as I tucked my hard cock into the confine of my boxers before pulling my jeans up over my hips. Especially when she liked her lips and all I could think about was what her mouth might feel like as she sucked me into her warm mouth. The thought alone had me wanting to say fuck it but when the face of that little angel of hers popped into my mind, I knew that what I was wanting would have to wait.

Kissing her quickly so that I wasn't tempted yet again, I shimmed down the ladder and waited for her to climb down. I'd thought that the sight of her bare ass as she climbed the ladder had been tempting, but nothing prepared me for the sight of her climbing down, her pussy still wet. Unable to help myself, when she was just about to step on to the platform at the back of the truck, I wrapped my hands around her waist and buried my face in her folds. The gasp that came from her had me holing her in place to make sure she didn't fall.

"Lift one leg up onto the rung above you and hold on tight darlin." I said.

When she did as I instructed, I buried my face into her feminine folds and began eating at pussy as if it was an all you could eat buffet and I was starving. Her sweet taste blossomed on my tongue causing me to growl. But it was the sounds she was making as she pushed her ass back so that I could get to her better that spurred me on. With fast licks, I focused on her clit, knowing that was the quickest way to make her come. I felt the first tremor rock her as her arousal landed on my tongue. Digging the tips into the tender flesh of her hip, I sucked her clit onto my mouth and sucked hard. The scream that came from her lips echoed though the empty station making me almost cum in my jeans like a damn teenager.

When I was sure that I had wrung every last drop of her release from her, I stood, licking my lips, and looking at her. Her head was threw over her shoulder looking at me as if she was thinking about pouching on me as he hung from the ladder of the truck.

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