I don't Make Threats; I make Promises

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Stormy's POV:

After working my usually morning shift, I was ready to get home and take a nap. Last nights storm had taken a toll on me in more ways than one. Matt had made love to me so deeply and so lovingly that I could still feel the ghost of his cock buried deep inside of me. But as good as that had been, it was the hangover that I always experienced any time that I talked about the day daddy was taken from us that had be in a piss poor mood. One that no number of orgasms had been able to make better. This day, and last night for that matter, really needed a do over.

I was so lost in my tasks that I didn't notice the steps behind me until I felt a hand grab my wrist. That simple touch had my heart pounding, and not in the way it did when Matt was around. The smell of cigarette smoke mixed with stale beer filled my nose and had me wanting to puke. Only one person smelled like that. I felt myself being snatched in the direction of the person holding me and came face to face with the one person that I had hoped to never see again. Hazy, drug blurred, brown eyes stared at me, making my hair stand on end. He had that crazy look in his eyes, the same one that he had had the day that he threatened to kill me and my unborn child. I watched as a sneer tore across his once handsome face just before he started talking.

"You kept me waiting baby girl. You know I don't like you wait."

"Wh-what are you doing here Joel?" I said, hating that my voice sounded panicky.

"I came for you baby girl. Its time that you and that little girl of ours came home." Said Joel. "I've been patient, but my patience is wearing a little thin."

"I'm not going anywhere with you Joel." I said sad angrily as I went to snatch my arm from his hand, only to have him tighten his grip and snatch me closer to him. Up this close, the stench of beer and cigarette was enough to make a person gag.

"I don't think I asked you to come home." He said mincingly. "I don't remember saying 'will you come home?'".


"Listen to me and listen to me good. You better have your ass and that of my daughters on my doorstep by nightfall or else things are going to get fucking ugly." He said, his lips close to mine. For a split second, I thought he was going to try and kiss me. The thought made my stomach churn. "Oh, and you better come up with a good fucking excuse for the boyfriend of yours. Better make him realize that you are mine and that he better keep his fucking paws off of you if he knows what's best for him. Sure would hate for him to have an accident at work."

Hearing Joel threaten Matt made my blood boil. For somewhere deep inside of me, I found the strength I'd been looking for. Moving fast so that I caught him off guard, I kneed him in the crotch as hard as I could. I felt his hands leave my arms as he fell to the ground. Wanting northing more than to put some distance between us and get as far away from him as I could, I ran with all my might for the back door of the diner, never looking back. I didn't want to know if he was following me.

Snatching the handle hard, I flung the door open wide as I ran into the diner. I'd just rounded the corner that led to the kitchen when I slammed into Bonnie, the cook in shift today. Both of us fell to the floor in a heap of legs and arms, fighting to get back upright.

"What the hell Stormy?" she said repeatedly as I clawed my way out of out tangle. I knew that she wasn't Joel, but my mind wasn't processing it. All it was telling me was that I had to fight to get away.

When I finally got on my feet, I took off running again, making a b-line for my purse that was hidden beneath the counter. I was just about to pass thought the doors of the diner and head out to the Jeep that Matt had gifted me with yesterday when common sense finally came to me with so much force that I could hear my sneakers screeching on the tile floors of the diner. The last place I needed to be after Joel's attack was out in the parking lot alone.

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