Marriage Poems by Darrel H.

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All this Poem Title's name Marriage all was written on April 12 2015 by Darrel H. Please Dont copy as your on and if want use any of poems like me and I ask my uncle love you all. One thing two poems may seem just like but trust me they different at end the 2nd is on get you think and 3rd . Now about start poem now.

Love me my Love.
I Breath The Breath of Eternality Into Our Marriage.
Hear my cry for Freedom.
Freedom To Love, Honor, And Cherish Til Death Do we remain.
I am Your Head.
You are my shoulder
To Lean on.
God has programmed us
To meet and Remain as one accord.
Cheribums sing songs of Togetherness.
God's Dance To The Beat of Life.
We have babies That will one day Be Proud Parents.
But for me and my House,
We shall serve each other.
This I Shout To All Four Corners. Marriage is Dignity, and I am Praise.

2nd Poem
Marriage is Poetry To The Soul.
It Holds Together The Elegance Of Being Old.
How Beautiful It Seem.
It's More Than Just A Undivided Dream.
Children Have Grown, And Their Possessions Given To Kings And Queen.
Babies Leap With Joy, And Angels Break Dance To Beat Of Romance.
I am Free To Hold My Lover, And Tip-Toe To The Sound Of Pure Doctrines.
Yes Truly, Marriage Tells Stories Forbidden For Love, And Conversations Withstand.
Be With Me My Love.
Marriage Not A Joke, It's As It Was.(..)

3nd Poem
Marriage is poetry To The Soul. Together The elegance of being old.
How beautiful It Seems.
It's More Than just undivided dreams.
Their possessions given To Kings and Queens.
Babies Leap with joy, And Break Dance To The Beat of Romance.
I am free to old my Lover, And Tip-Toe To The Sound of Pure Sacred Doctrine.
Yes Truly! Marriage Tells Stories forbidden For Love To be disregarded.
Conversations withstand
The storms of Disrespect.
Be with me my Love.
I am reborn into marriage,
And Birth is my road To eternality.

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