No Justice Still Peace.

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Even when man fall. God still got your back. Remember vengeance belongs to God and God alone. We can be mad and angry what happened to our Black people or any type of oh racist  against anybody. We need trust God he will take care of it. Either on this Earth or after death. We all need repent and give ourselves completely to Jesus and not just by words by  Spirit too. Even though Justice might not happen on this Earth but God will still give us peace in my heart, mine and Spirit. Don't get angry and retaliate, but have a righteous anger and give it to God let him handle it. No justice and still peace, because God gave it to us and nobody can take it away. The devil may think he won, but he know he will loose battle. He will be lock up in worse part of hell torture and destroy. Because Matthew 4:10  Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

So matter the devil will bow down to God and serve him. No Justice Still Peace in Jesus name amen.

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