Love hard till you to have to let it go

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Sometimes in life we get to this point. We get tried of been a push over and been use by people. All we do is love and care for them. We treat them as we wanted to be treated, but they treat us like we nobody or nothing. There're times in life you have stand up for yourself and truly be you. Let your mask fall off and show people your real self. There time in life you truly have too love youself. So you can love everyone else. Love as God love you. Do what Jesus said do let your yes be yes and your no be no, because everything else is evil. Speak no evil then there would not be your problem. You will learn you do not need explain yourself to everyone else, because trust me they not explain their self to you every time. We as people have to learn not be passive or passive aggressive, but be more assertive. Learn to be nice, but not to nice than some people will take advantage of you take your kindness use against you as a weakness, even though you may not like be mean. Learn be like Jesus and learn to treat people with love and respect, but he still put people in there places and got angry without sinning. There time in life you have dust your feet off and be you and do not look back. Just like Jesus told disciples if person do not accept dust your feet off do not look back and they accept you leave them with peace and plus stay with them. Love no matter what and always give to God! Love hard till you have to let it go so God can take of it. Amen In Jesus name amen.

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