Went to Hell and back home again

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I went to hell, but I am glad be back in Texas. ( I went Hell, Cayman Island and I came back home and I said other is Similar I went to hell and I am glad I am in Texas. )

How you ever been through hell or went to hell in your life, but you came through and left all hel and went back home or good happen to you. You start rejoice be back home with Jesus. Even you when go through hell in your life always remember no matter what hell you go through you make can back home in better shape closer to Jesus or success in life. So rejoice and said I did it. Thank you Jesus.

Be glad don't get mad or Don't be mad got glad and would say Don't get mad get glad, because I want see which one was better to use. This always been my motto every sense I was little girl Before glad come out. I remember when I first time seen that communication of Glad and I told mom and grandma I always say that and I remember I told my brother and he told me everything always repeat itself. I remember when I was little like 5 years old or maybe little older or younger. I use run around and tell family or stranger when they were sad sometimes I would run to them sometimes giving hug or kiss on check for kisses it for family or not. I would say don't be mad get glad because I didn't like seeing people sad or I would say be glad don't get mad. I would tell people Jesus love you.

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