Finding You

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It is a normal New York midmorning, and you are searching for a man dressed in a red and blue suit. Spider-Man's been spotted yet again, and even though you're not sure that he poses a threat to any of your coworkers other than the constant pushing of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s buttons, the Avengers have still been ordered to find him, and that includes you.

Honestly, you don't get why everyone can't just leave him be. Spider-Man's helping rid the city of criminals, which is obviously in line with the Avengers' goals, yet every time you bring this up you get the same 'Don't ask us unreasonable questions, young lady' speech. This by itself is unreasonable, as you've got a solid several thousand years over even the most tenured agent. No one cares much for the technicalities of Norse immortality, though, which is a shame. Unfortunate, certainly, but not surprising.

You're here now, though, and that's what counts to the rest. Even though they might not see the youngest daughter of Odin for her two older brothers, even if they may raise their brows and shake their heads at the possibility that they may not always be right, you're still here, putting in the time. They can't fault you for that.

You do pity this Spider-Man, though. Judging by the first few news reports, which have just started trickling in, he wasn't doing anything more than trying to help with a recent string of aggressive car robberies. Some group of two or three guys have been terrorizing the area, and judging by the aggrieved men stuck to the walls of a nearby alleyway with far more spiderweb than you were expecting, Spider-Man got the job done.

The Avengers have arrived on the scene just a matter of moments after the robbers were taken down. The goal is to bring the Spider-Man into custody long enough to decide if he's a threat or just another one in a long string of vigilantes who all seem to call New York City home. You're not sure that Spider-Man's really all that different from the Avengers; he has their same passion for saving people who will then spit in his face, but rules are rules, and even primordial goddesses such as yourself have to follow them.

Natasha Romanoff is the first on the scene, already beginning to scan the nearby streets for some kind of escapee. "Everybody, keep your eyes peeled for any signs of trouble. He couldn't be more than a block or so away, according to the nearby security cams. We're not looking for a confrontation, just a chance for a better conversation."

It's nonsense, and everyone knows it. You don't just bring in an inhuman for nothing, there's always a fight. True to your point, you've scarcely taken a step away from the group of Avengers before your brothers start to follow you. You get lectures from both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the gods, lucky you.

Thor is the first one to speak, as always. "Be careful, Y/N. We do not know what this Spider-Man is up to, and I do not want to see you hurt."

You fight the urge to roll your eyes. "I've been doing this a while, Thor. I'll be fine."

Thor frowns. "All the same, sister. Stay alert."

Loki just smirks. "I think Thor means that reporting your spider-based death to the Allfather would be messy. Try to save that from us, alright?"

You laugh. "Sounds good to me. See you once we find this guy."

Thor presses his lips together, the perfect picture of the perfect eldest son, but Loki waves a casual goodbye. Loki has always been closer to you, maybe because you were one of the only ones in all of Asgard who trusted him as if he really was your brother or maybe because your gifts were so similar, both forms of magic. You're the goddess of life, of healing, and you certainly spent your share of the centuries with your dark-haired brother learning everything you could about magic.

Regardless of the reason, you're more than happy for Loki's diversion. If left unchecked, Thor has been known to spout off sayings for the better part of an hour, and you have no problem with getting to skip that bit.

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