❆ prolouge

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Opening the rusty mailbox with a loud squeak, light pollen falls off of it into the air. It was a sunny day in Konoha, it was one of my favorite times of the year.

I see a letter wrapped up in string giving the usual set like all his other letters. Deadbeat.

Deadbeat was the name I gave to the one who is my father, Jiraiya. I don't open the letter but I grab it and put it in my pocket. I open the gate to my house and walk over the mini bridge my mother made. I walked into the house and place the letter where all the other ones are, in a basket...in the corner...collecting dust every day.

I yawn and reach into my pocket and take out a lighter. I open a fresh new pack of cigarettes I bought and pop one into my mouth.

"Never took you as a smoker Kaida." A gritty voice says out of nowhere. "AH!" I jump catching the lighter and cigarette, looking in the voice's direction. The 3rd Hokage.

"You scared me lord 3rd." I sigh and still bowed.

"Smoking is a bad habit you know" he chuckles and stands up, hands behind his back.

"I-I honestly just bought these today, I've never even smoked before. Mission didn't go well." I look at the pack of cigarettes and place them on my counter.

"I heard. Which is why I came to talk to you.." he says, he lowers his head and sighs.

"Okay." I sit down nervously.

"Kaida, the 7th anniversary is coming up, isn't it? You usually get like this around that time." He asks me. I freeze, and I grip one of my thigh stockings.

I remain silent. "I've seen many Shinobi gone down a rough path after something traumatic happens to them... I do not want that for you. Your mother was a very great Shinobi to the Leaf...what those two did is unforgivable." He continues.

Flashbacks of that night come into my mind, the blood, the rain, everything...

"When the Anbu found you in the forest with that tattoo on your leg. I began to worry...." He puts his hand on my shoulder. I whip my head up, hot tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I came today with a proposal, it will benefit you in the long run Kaida." He gives a smile and looks deep into my purple eyes.

"Yes sir?" I barely say above a whisper.


The droplets of the hot shower run over me as I think about the Hokage's proposal. It was definitely going to be different. I never liked change, but seeing as he was my father's sensei...I can trust him. I don't trust a lot of people especially after those 7 years ago. I did lots of solo missions per my request. I was ranked Jounin at the age of 18, Chunin by 13, and Genin by 10. I would say I'm pretty skilled. I did have a team but, I don't wanna talk or think about them for the time being.

I wash my white hair and long bright red sides with shampoo to get rid of those thoughts. The stress of the failed retrieval mission left my body as the shampoo was clearing my scalp. I wash up the rest of my aching body and get out of the shower.

I put on a regular long shirt and shorts, then I head to the kitchen.

I hear a poof as I turn away from the living room and enter the kitchen. "You know Kaida I really need a bath~" I hear my animal spirit, Shiba complain.

"Don't you have that access at the Animal Paradise Realm?" I raise and eye brow and began to take out ingredients from the fridge.

Shiba was what I liked to call a special wolf. She was an above-average wolf than you would see in the wild. She comes from the Animal Paradise Realm and comes with the benefits of the Miyazaki Clan. She has a white coat and red markings on her face and a red tip tail. I would describe her as a posh and materialistic wolf who can seem stuck up, but only I know how to deal with her.

She whines and plops herself behind me. She sniffs the air, "Stir fry with Sausage??" She asks excitedly.

"Yes, I made enough for the both of us."
I smile and throw a piece of sausage in the air for her to catch.

"Momo isn't joining us?" Shiba asks looking around for the owl.

Momo is a white owl who also serves a purpose to me, she's also from the Animal Spirit Realm.

She catches it with ease and munches, "what's the occasion?"

"You'll see." I smile, suddenly having more excitement as I think about the proposal.

"No alcohol," Shiba asks me stretching her body out. I grab plates from my cupboard and place some food on them.

"Nope, we have to wake up early tomorrow." You scold the posh wolf.

"WE?!" She rolls her eyes.

"Kaida I know we're a packaged deal but come on~" She whines some more.

I shrug and place the plate in front of her. "I think you'll enjoy it Shiba I promise, it's what Mom would've wanted."


I tightened my headband and make sure all my Kunei is in my bag. Before I go, I step into the empty room that was once my mother's. All that was in the room was a picture of her and me. I light the incense and put my hands together and close my eyes.

"You would be so proud of me mom." I smile and race out the door.

I make it to the entrance of the Hokage's building. At the front door were Kotetsu and Izumo, Izumo noticeably elbows Kotetsu. "Hey Kaida!" Kotetsu says.

"Hi Kotetsu, I'm here to see the Hokage." I smile at him. He suddenly begins to sweat horribly and goes silent. "Huh?" I raise my eyebrow.

"He's not feeling right today...heheheeee~ you should be all good to go Kaida." Izumo elbows Kotetsu again.

"Thanks you two." I giggle to myself and walk in the door. I hear the two bickering as I leave.

Making my way up top, I knock respectfully on the doors of the Hokage's office.

"Enter." I hear him say, I quickly take my shoes off and open the door.

To my surprise, a familiar figure is already sitting in front of him with gray hair. "Ah there she is...Kaida Miyazaki."

I sit on my knees and bow, still not looking at who I'm next to yet.

"Kakashi, this will be your co-captain for your team." The 3rd hokage says. My eyes widen, I look next to me and see none other than Kakashi Hatake.

"Pleased to be working with you more closely Kaida Miyazaki." Kakashi gives a slight eye smile.

"You as well...Kakashi Hatake."


end of prologue

❆ JADED WOLF, kakashi hatakeWhere stories live. Discover now