❆ 7: teamwork

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In a state of shock, team 7 looks at what they assume are the remnants of Kakashi and me. Naruto begins the freak out below us, while Sakura screams, and Sasuke stares in shock.

"Now it's your turn," One of the ninja says behind Naruto.

I begin to try and get down there as soon as possible but, Kakashi tugs at my vest. "Wait Kaida."

"What do you mean wait? Aren't we as teachers supposed to help?" I ask him, confused.

"This is also a teaching moment for them. These are surprise attacks they have to be prepared for. Also, we have to know who the enemies target is. Look." He points down.

When I look back, Sasuke trapped the two ninja in a contraption with chains. I also see Sakura go protect Mr.Tazuna. So that's their target, noted.

With one of ninja's going for Sakura, Sasuke jumps in front. The other going for Naruto.

"Kakashi!" I say impatiently.

"Alright Alright let's go help them. I'll go for the one going for Sasuke and Sakura," He replies nonchalantly.

Without hesitation, I jump from above and do a simple taijutsu spin move knocking the guy down.

"Hi" Kakashi says nonchalantly as usual.
"Oh don't act all calm" I immediately say.

Everyone had a shocked or neutral face on. I notice from Naruto he has a cut on his hand. Shiba sniffs the ninja in my arms claw's. "His claws have poison in them.." Shiba observes.

"Naruto your hand.." I throw the ninja on Shiba's back and hold Naruto's hand.

"Sorry we took so long Naruto I didn't mean for you to get hurt," He walks over to Sakura and Sasuke.

"Sasuke, Sakura good job."

"You kids are going to stress me out." I say to myself quietly.

Naruto begins to move his body and curse Sasuke's name. "Naruto calm down! These guy's claws have poison in them you have to stay still!" I scold at him holding down his hand. He groans with a pout on his face.

"As for you Mr. Tazuna, you lied to us." Kakashi then directs his attention to the bridge builder.

"He's right, you told us you just needed protection from thieves, not ninja. Which makes this mission at least a Class B which is too much for genin." I walk over to stare Mr Tazuna in the eye.

His head hangs low as I scold him. Sakura begins to talk, "Kaida Sensei is right, we are genin this us too advanced for our level. Plus we need to head back to the village and attend Naruto's wounds. He needs to get that poison out as soon as possible."

"Hmm..Naruto's hand could be a problem. I guess we should go back to the village," Kakashi whines a bit.

I see what he's trying to do, he's trying to get Naruto to continue. I pull Kakashi to the side quickly and look at him dead in the eye. "What are you trying to do? He has poison probably already affecting his system and your trying to make him continue? Are you crazy?" I whisper-shout at him.

He rolls his eye at me and shrugs, "That's not what I'm doing Kaida, if that's what your implying then-"

"Are you gaslighting me?"

Then, I heard a yell come from Naruto and with the swing of his kunai he stabs his hand. I gasp with the others, looking at a now more determined Naruto dealing with the pain.

❆ JADED WOLF, kakashi hatakeWhere stories live. Discover now