¿Soy Luna o no? (Soy Luna, Luna Valente)

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"My name is Luna, or isn't it?" she asked, looking at her medal. The sun and the moon were united now. She had had no clue how the hell they belonged together. She had found it in a little box with a white-lacy box roof. She hadn't known either, why she felt the urge to open it up, but a strange feeling got over her whole body when she stepped that day into that premise. In turn, she had just wanted to drink a glass of orange juice as she usually did, when her mother made the fresh drink and placed it in the fridge.

As if it was a sign, her attention had been caught by that little piece of white wood product.

Then it had gotten lost. Only her moon-shaped medal found the way back to her. After weeks had passed without the little sun, and Luna had almost forgotten about that piece of gold. How much better would have been living without that! Why was she so curious? Her dreams had driven her crazy, she had no ease for a moment. The drawing with the medallion and the sentence: Siempre vuelve a salir el sol. The sun always comes out—no! All she saw were dark clouds, covering her whole room.

She dropped the medallion on her mattress and leaned back on her bed. She didn't know anything for sure now. She found out who she really was, she knew her identity, but what exactly meant this whole thing? She couldn't meet with her parents because they were dead! They have died in that fucking fire that she had survived!

Almost a year had passed with the search, and she had finally found what she wanted or what she had believed she would want. Now she wasn't sure that she had chosen the right choice when she started searching for her birth parents. Luna neither knew if it would be better than they would have been alive, but they didn't want her. One thought was more depressing than the other.

The sunbeams broke through her window and one of them shone her medallion's gold surface. Like a sign. Siempre vuelve a salir el sol.

Luna wanted to drop the necklace out of the window, into the sea to be swallowed by the huge waves, and maybe by a fish too. She wanted to destroy her evidence about her identity, she wanted to be just Luna Valente who she was some days ago. Not the heir of a big fortune that threw her into a fever the least of all. She wanted answers. Why did they die?! Why was she the only survivor? Who played this cruel game with her?

"Luna, someone is here for you." Her mother stepped into her room. The mother who had raised her but wasn't her biological parent.

Mónica's lips formed a kind smile as usual, and she sat down on the end of Luna's bed.

"Is everything okay?"

What a silly question! How could everything be alright?! Instead of that, Luna simply nodded.

Mónica stretched out her arm and placed her hand on Luna's. "I know it's hard for you. For us too," she admitted.

"I don't really know who I am," Luna whispered, looking down at her medallion.

"You are who you want to be."

"But I don't know who I want to be," she barked. "Am I Sol or Luna?" The two are a complete contrast to each other.

"You are both."

"I can't be," Luna argued. Her fingers ran through her bedspread's bumpy waves.

Suddenly, she felt strong arms wrapped around her figure. Luna barely could keep in her tears that started to form in her green eyes.

"Do you want that kind boy's company or should I send him back?"

"Simón?" A little glitter played in her pupil.

Mónica shook her head. "Matteo."

"Matteo?" Luna questioned, surprised. What did he want?

"Please, send him. I don't want his company." She lowered her eyes again.

One thing was talking with Simón and another one was with Matteo. Simón has known her since they were little children, and he knew everything about her. He was the one who helped her in the investigation. And Matteo—

She didn't know what to think about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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