Reunion in Prison

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The word 'Azkaban' means depths of hell. The word manages to send shivers through one's spines. Upon its discovery, the ones who visited the place refuse to speak of it. Such was the trauma the place causes.

It became a dwelling for the guards of Azkaban or better known as Dementors.

A Dementor is a kind of soul which forces you to relive your worst experiences, your worst memories. It sucks out all the positive thoughts in you. You would remember it as it happened the day before.

Many Ministers of Magic are terrified of the consequences which may occur if one tries to harm their nest. People of the magical society who commit crimes are sent to this horrifying prison.

One such Witch, Bellatrix Lestrange, is held at a high security cell. She is deemed insane by all the visitors of her cell.

That was the day her dear cousin decided to pay a visit to her cell, her 'Blood Traitor' cousin to be specific along with her 'Mudblood loving' sister, Sirius Black and Andromeda Tonks.

Bellatrix severed all ties she had with them long back, even they held her with contempt, so why would they possibly want to visit her? The reason is pretty simple, Confrontations.

The cold wind was blowing towards the wizarding prison. Bellatrix was quite used to it. She has received word that morning that her 'beloved' cousin and sister are visiting her today. Time passed rather slowly, when she heard footsteps near her cell, she knew they had come.

Bellatrix, facing towards the wall said " How wonderful of you to pay me a visit sister" Bellatrix said, her words coated with high amounts of sarcasm.

Andromeda raised her eyebrow at this and Sirius was unable to hide his scowl at her.

Andromeda, seeing as Sirius would not stop scowling at her, took the initiative and said" Don't feel overjoyed sister. We are only her for a few answers, do not expect much more than this."

Sirius, who finally decided to open his mouth, said" Yes cousin, a few information about our daily affairs will be passed too" he offered

Bellatrix, who was not surprised, spoke "You can start with the questions first"

Andromeda asked the first question "Very well, first off how is Azkaban" Although she hated Bellatrix, she is her sister, the person with whom she spent a great deal of her childhood with. It was natural for her to be concerned for her sister.

Bellatrix finally turned around, her body showed only bone, her face had sunk deep and only her cold grey eyes were prominent.

She answered"Just as great as it sounds"

Sirius, who truly had nothing to ask and came on the behest of his cousin, asked "How is life?"

Bellatrix scowled and answered in a sarcastic tone"What do you expect me to do in a cell Sirius,Play?"

Sirius,whose anger which had been supressed against her, asserted" You have got what you deserved Bella' dear."

Bellatrix rolled her eyes at this and asked"Time for the information, tell me Sirius, did you marry?"

Sirius said, proudly nodding "Yes I did, to Marlene McKinnon"

Bellatrix scoffed"The half-blood in your year, as much as I want to be surprised, I expected you to do this. Anyway, how is that half-blood metamorphmagus of yours doing 'Dromeda?"

Andromeda dutifuly answered"Pretty well, she is engaged now to Remus Lupin and they are really happy with each other and I am happy too" She finished with a slight smile.

Bellatrix's eyes widened at this and screams at Andromeda "A FILTHY HALF BREED, I HAD EXPECTED HER TO MARRY A MUDBLOOD JUST LIKE HER MOTHER, BUT A HALF BREED!"

Sirius came in saying " That Half breed happens to be my friend Bella, and atleast Andromeda is keeping her daughter happy, something which our parents clearly failed to do"

Bellatrix ignored that and said"I hope atleast someone carries the Black Family name, any children yet Sirius?"

Sirius replied"I have a Godson, Harry Potter and that's it"

Bellatrix groaned before asking" What about Regulus?"

Sirius's eyes knitted, feeling his emotions about to burst out as he said"Ah yes, he carried the traditions perfectly, Married Malfoy's Sister and had a son, Hesper I think his name was"

Bellatrix sighed in relief" Atleast someone is responsible in our family "

Sirius rolled his eyes, all to familar with her attitude " Well, unlike Regulus, there are some who want to live life on our own accord and are brave enough to do so. Oh look at the time, Andy let's be off"

He said as he was walking away from the cell

Andromeda glanced at her sister for the last time"Bye Bella" and she too left.

And Bellatrix was left alone, engulfed in silence once again. Sometimes she hoped things could change, in which she, her sisters and her cousins were together. But for that, she would first have to change herself, which she refused to do.

Sirius's Residence

The duo came home to see Remus and Tonks bantering over their wedding cake

Tonks exclaimed" Vanilla is a classic wedding cake Remus, who would eat chocolate!"

Remus retorted " Well, chocolate is sweet, why would anyone not want to try, it can be a change. It is the better option Dora"

Tonks accused " Better option for everyone or a better option for you"

Remus accepted " Well mostly better for me"

Marlene came in the room, suggesting out loud " How about a Red Velvet cake?"

Sirius nodded his head saying" That's not a bad idea."

Andromeda to nodded her head, saying "I agree"
Remus rolled his eyes and replied" Fine! I will have chocolates on my bachelor's party"

Tonks on the other hand stomped her leg and said " Whatever, even I will have vanilla cake on my bachelorette party"

Marlene gave an exasperated sigh" Grown up kids"

Remus turned towards Sirius and said "Heard you got an invite to a Parent Teacher meet in Hogwarts
Even Regulus is gonna come I suppose"

Sirius said "Yes he will,.but I am not afraid to meet ' The Black Lord ' "

Marlene warily said "But Sirius, Be careful " She perfectly knew the relation between the brother and didn't want a scene in front of everyone.

Sirius, with a playful smile, said"Even you are coming Missy, there's no way you are gonna miss it"

Marlene exclaimed" How on earth would you think I would let you go alone?"

Remus then said " Let's just hope everything goes well"




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