Return, Discussions and Treacle Tarts

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Sirius Black's Residence

The much awaited arrival of Sirius's  godson added joy to the regular atmosphere of the house.

Remus and Sirius went to pick Harry up from the Station. When he returned, with a wide grin on his face, he was pulled into a bear hug by Marlene. She missed Harry a lot.

If there was a competition as to who missed Harry the most, she would come in 2nd Place, first being Sirius

The others joined the hug and stayed there for a while before returning back to their normal positions.

" Go and freshen up, I will get some snacks and tea" said Marlene as she sent Harry to his room with his luggage.
Harry went without question for he was tired from the journey in the Hogwarts Express.

Sirius wondered what he did in his miserable life to deserve such a family. Not even a single one was related by blood. And yet, they bond and act like they were.

After Harry freshened up and came downstairs for tea, he found everyone seated around the dining table waiting for him. Biscuits, Treacle Tarts and a freshly baked apple pie  were placed in the table and the aroma made Harry's tummy rumble with hunger. Then came up the topic.

" Sirius, you do know you and Marlene have to attend the Parent Teacher meeting?" He asked, taking a bite into his treacle tart.

" Why yes Harry. Why did the question pop up in your head?" Asked Sirius.

" Nothing" Harry said, deciding not to push it any further.

Remus ,being the understanding one, saw as to why the question came into Harry's head.

He then turned his head to Sirius "Maybe it's about Regulus, it's about time you tell him what happened" he whispered.

Sirius took a deep breathe before starting
"Harry, let me tell you a story." Harry's ears perked up at that.

"When I was young, Regulus and I were close, we were just like other siblings. Of course we had our different opinions on how things should be, but we never let that come between us.

But as we grew, we began to understand what the reality was. How people were treated according to their heritage, their beliefs and their choices.

I never judged people based on their blood status and wealth, and always stood by the side of my friends.

Regulus,on the other hand, blended into the elite society of pure-bloods and did as he was expected to. He never was brave enough to speak against anyone or anything. He always had the heart of gold, but never said anything.

Then came the marriage contract. It was arranged before our births in such a way that both the House's of Black and Malfoy unite. A Black Lady and a Malfoy Gentleman, and a Black GentleMan and a Malfoy Lady.

It is supposed to strengthen their power, elevate their status and increase their influence. It was nothing but a play of power and we were the pawns.

The first condition came true when Narcissa Black married Lucius Malfoy.

The second, however, proved to be quite tricky. Since I was the Black heir, I was arranged to be married to Theodora Malfoy. But I was in love with your godmother, and I opposed to it. I ran out of the house and Regulus had no choice but to marry the Malfoy heiress. He did have to date her for a while, just do no one would get a doubt.

He was spiteful of me ever since, accusing it was because of me that he was stuck in such a situation. But truth be told, he was nervous and scared. Even he did not want to be in that poor excuse of a house. And even after all that, he is still my brother, and I consider his son as my nephew.

So Harry, do not ever think that I would have a problem with Regulus. I just have a problem with my past" After his long story , Harry looked downwards, finding his piece of pie  more interesting.

" On the lighter note, I suppose Minnie is going to be on the edge on the day of the Parent Teacher meet, seeing as I am coming" Sirius said, with a smirk full of mischief.

" No way are you going to pull any pranks Sirius, it's a decent meeting and I would like it to remain that way" Marlene scolded, very much ignoring Sirius's puppy eyes.

" Harry go take some rest, we are going to have a quidditch match tommorow and I expect you to be ready" Sirius stated. Harry's face lit up and Remus had a tough time to not cry at that moment. Harry looked just like James when he was going for the tryouts. He missed his best friend very much. Even Sirius notices it, instead he felt happy .

Hey Guys,
Updated this chapter too
So this is Sirius's side of the problem. Never forget that there is two sides of a problem.

And don't even think for a second that there wouldn't be a prank, it's the marauders we are talking about

Plus the title style is inspired from Young Sheldon

Plus Plus, I deleted Reader460168 cover because of the changes I made.
She makes amazing cover by the way, I mean we have got to appreciate how she made it look like an aesthetic.

* Holding a gun at your forehead* So get her covers and vote for my chapter

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