Dreams of the Past

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" Sirius you can't do this!" exclaimed the 16 year-old Regulus Black. His eyes were wide open with hints of tears around them as he looked at his elder brother.

" Regulus I am not going to be a part of our parents little circus. What were they thinking when they were signing the pathetic contract without asking us?" snapped back Sirius. He was quite irritated by his brother always playing the 'perfect son' role. 

" Sirius it was all arranged way before we were born . I get it why you are mad but please try to understand" Regulus pleaded. He did not want his brother into further trouble.

That evening, Lord and Lady Malfoy visited the Blacks with their 17 and 20 year old kids.  Lucius's marriage was arranged with Narcissa, their cousin. Luckily, they were going out when they were in Hogwarts and it was not much of a problem.  However, The elder Black heir did have a problem with his arrangement

"Regulus you do not understand. Our parents are using us to save their own prestige. They don't care a bit on what would happen to us. Moreover, I love Marlene, I can't betray her like that!" Sirius said trying to reason with his younger brother.

" Mother and Father would not be happy with you. In fact, they might kick you out brother. This could be the last straw. Please, don't leave me alone" Regulus was on the verge of a breakdown. He did not want his brother to leave him. Sirius was the only person with whom he could be himself.

"I can assure you, brother, I will not give them the chance to kick me out. And I promise, I will never leave you" Sirius said with a slight smirk as he left the room. Regulus was frustrated by the events and buried his head into a pillow. A muffled scream escaped his mouth and after that he fell asleep, not knowing what was going to happen.

The next morning, Regulus woke up to the screams of his mother downstairs. He rushed down to see his mother pointing her wand at the family tapestry. It was pointed on a particular name. Sirius Orion Black III. Regulus's heart froze. His hands were shaking and he silently walked out of the room and ran to his brother's room. There was nothing in the room except for the muggle posters. He found a note on the bedside table.

" Whoever is reading this letter, I want to let you know that I am done. Do whatever you want to do. I don't care anymore. I will be with the love of my life and be free"

Regulus threw the letter down. He picked up a vase near him and threw it against the wall. His eyes were red from the mixture of tears and anger. He collapsed on the floor and started crying his heart out. He did not care anymore. He lost the only person who truly loved him. He never wanted this to happen.

" The audacity of that brat. He left us in shame. What are we supposed to tell the Malfoys. We will lose our name, our respect and our status." Walburga hisses to Orion

" Don't worry dear, I have a solution" Said Orion as the duo looked at the closed room of Regulus Arcturus Black, The one who will save them from the humiliation

After a few days, it was decided that Regulus was to be engaged to Theodora to uphold the contract. Regulus at that moment thought to himself
' Why Sirius, Why did you do this to me?'

He never made any effort to contact his brother thinking that the latter will not care. Regulus thought Sirius has never cared.

His eyes opened as he escaped the realm of Morpheus. Beads of sweat trickled on his forehead. He looked around him.

" The same bloody dream of the same traitor" he muttered and as he stood up and went towards the window.

Only fate knew the plans it made for the brothers

Hey Guys,
Updated this chapter too.
And I forbid you to hate Sirius or Regulus.

Sirius was a teenager in love. He did not want to betray his love and did not want to live life in suffocation. So he did what he had to do

And he left the house, doing so breaking his promise but let me tell you something

If Sirius stays, he would be married to Theodora and lead a sad life. Marlene would be left heartbroken and would never move on in her life. James and Remus will be mad at him but his brother would be happy. His parents, who have tormented him for his entire life, would be happy. That's not a good option

So he left, he couldn't let himself be the reason for Marlene's grief. He did not want his best friends to be mad at him.

And perhaps this was fates play for something bigger. It might also teach us an important lesson

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