«3: Birthday Surprise»

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It was R.A's birthday, and the girls led her to the main dining hall, blindfolded. Once they reached, everyone yelled "SURPRISE!!" And had a blast. Confetti was everywhere, and cheers overtook the room. Everyone then began singing happy birthday, and Elly put some cake icing on R.A's face, followed by the girls. R.A tried covering her face, but she kept laughing and laughing until her stomach hurt.

"Wow, you sure got many presents, R.A!" BB exclaimed while scanning the giant tower of presents.
"Well, duh!" JJ put her hands on her hips, "It's R.A's birthday after all! Hey, where are all the members of the R.A fan club?? We were supposed to have a meeting!"
JJ and BB looked at each other and gasped, soon rushing out of the room with Elly.

Meanwhile, some of the others were having cake and playing video games. Soon, the room cleared out as everyone took back the plates and everything to the kitchen, and prepared for their midnight party. R.A smiled and looked around,
"Well," R.A sat down on the stage and stared at her presents, "I like this." She smiled to herself. She then looked at the present in her hand. It had a blue coat, tied by a red ribbon. It was given by Ennard right after R.A cut her cake. For some reason, R.A remembered every small detail during that moment, like R.A's and Ennard's fingers touching while holding the present. At the thought of this, R.A sighed dreamily and blushed, twirling a strand of her hair with her finger.

Ennard peeked in the room and saw R.A. At the sight of her smiling, he also smiled to himself and entered the room. As he neared, he could hear R.A humming a random tune. He always loved her singing, he could sit in one place for hours and listen to her sing.
"Heh, the birthday girl is all by herself, eh?" Ennard raised a brow and smiled. R.A  opened her eyes, letting out a soft gasp,
"Why yes! Yes I am all by myself." The dragon let out a giggle and sat up straight, straightening her posture.
"Just..taking a good look at all my presents!" R.A cringed internally on what she had just said. She really didn't want to embarrass herself.

"So..what brings you here?" R.A inquired, crossing her legs and her tail wagging. Ennard just smiled and came on the stage. He then sat down, but then put his head on R.A's lap and lied down. R.A felt herself sprang up internally, and blushed furiously. Her hands froze as her eyes went agape. She could feel her heart beating loud in her ears. Her tail began swishing in excitement and nervousness.
R.A hesitated and her hear began to beat more. What what what what what what? These words repeated in R.A's mind in a endless loop. It was as if her soul left her body.

Uh... R.A thought to herself, and she blushed even more. She looked down, and met eyes with Ennard who was looking at her with his handsome smile. He gently grabbed R.A's hand and placed it on his head,
"U-um.." R.A muttered to herself. She was confused on what to do, but then she began to slowly stroke his hair. Here, Ennard closed his eyes, and was smiling dreamily. This man was living the dream. R.A could now feel her stomach becoming queasy, and butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

Upon seeing this, R.A softly gasped to herself, with her free hand on her chest. She had no idea how to react, except now she had the sudden urge to scream as her heart jumped in delight and joy. She kept stroking his head, and Ennard relaxed even more. R.A still felt a bit hesitant, but seeing the relaxed look on Ennard's face, she calmed down. Her tail wagged even more, and she giggled at the sight of Ennard who was pretending to snore. But then, after some time he sat up facing her.

The both of them locked eyes for a moment before R.A looked away breaking eye contact,
"Heh.." She muttered with a smile and began to twirl a strand of her hair. Suddenly, Ennard grabbed both of her hands and stood up.
"Y'know..." He then put a hand on her cheek, "You should really let your hair down like this everyday." This made R.A's stomach do a little jump. She had opened her hair just for her birthday. But this compliment made her want to open it everyday. R.A said nothing, except staring into his eyes,
"Y-you think so?" The dragon muttered, her tail now swishing slowly in a hypnotic manner.

All of a sudden, R.A felt herself being pulled slightly forward. She now noticed that her face was now near his and felt the hair on her neck stick up. Ennard didn't say anything and deeply looked into her eyes before, taking a step forward, grabbing her other hand with his free hand, closing his eyes, and leaning in. R.A nearly jumped. Her heart was beating faster then ever. She felt her legs becoming wobbling and her felt her cheeks warm up more than ever.

He had trapped R.A in his kiss.

In the background, R.A's friends were watching this moment from afar, and Funtime Chica And Elly looked as if they were about to explode.
"I- THIS IS WAY TOO CUTE-"Mangle covered Funtime Chica's mouth,
"Chica! We aren't supposed to get caught remember!?" Mangle scolded in a hushed tone.
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry! Couldn't help myself."

R.A's eyes were wide and she tried not to faint, but she then relaxed herself. Soon, Ennard broke the kiss and looked at R.A beautiful face; her rosy red cheeks and her eyes which were agape,
"Heh," said Ennard while tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, "You really are something, aren't you?" R.A didn't reply, she only felt her inner self screaming and trying not to pass away. She was trying hard to process what just happened.

"Um- well- I-" R.A stuttered. Ennard giggled at this,
"So, how did you like my little birthday gift for you, eh?" He teased with a smirk on his face, playfully nudging her on the elbow.
"Oh shut the hell up you."
"Heh.." he then noticed R.A's friends from the corner of his eye,
"Well, what do you know. Looks like we had an entire audience watching us."
When R.A's eyes fell on her friends, she wanted to melt and hide herself forever.

R.A felt her cheeks get even redder and she clenched her fist, causing R.A's friends to nervously wave and run away. She then looked back at Ennard, not being able to make eye contact. Embarrassedl , R.A brought her hair forward and hid her face in them.
"Sooo, how was the kiss?"

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