«Chapter 7: Quality Time»

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«Hey, Author Zee here. Just wanted to say this chapter has OC x Canon character in it. If you don't like it, don't read it and don't hate on me for this. And besides, most of the things happening in this chapter are part of my FNAF AU. So yeah, sit back and enjoy I guess.»


R.A was hanging out with her friends. All of them were holding solo cups with fruit punch in them. Excitement and lots of chattering filled the air. For once, R.A actually felt some contentment, but she still wanted to go back to her room. She wasn't the partying type either.

When she was about to escort to Lemonade Clown for a refill, she saw Ennard coming her way. R.A looked away, hoping for him to just change his direction. Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned back. It was Ennard. R.A felt herself go warm and fuzzy once again, her cheeks also warming up. She observed his sapphire blue eyes and lobster-red hair. R.A shook her head after she realised she was staring.

R.A's friends went silent and secretly watched what's going on. They only saw Ennard say something to R.A, with the dragon following him afterwards.
"Hmm, wonder where those two rushed off to." said Mangle while taking a sip of the fruit punch, her eyes glued to Ennard and R.A leaving. Funtime Chica raised a finger, "Let's not butt in you guys," she started, "maybe it's some top secret mission we won't ever know about!" The girls let out several giggles.
"I mean,-" Toy Chica lowered her voice and all the girls who were in a circle, cane closer, "R.A does like Ennard after all." The girls let out several "ooohs" with hands on their mouth.

"What is it?" R.A stepped out, with the cool breeze stinging her face, tossing her back-length hair back. The dragon felt a mix of feelings; anxiety and nervousness. She was dreading to know why out of everyone, Ennard called her here. But what happened next was a pure shocker for R.A. Ennard came from behind a tree with a bike. A freaking bike which had a red body, and appeared if it was a heavy bike.

R.A gasped, but quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Calm down R.A, calm down. Maybe he just wants help with something- R.A scolded herself mentally and stood stiff as a soldier.
"So the problem was..?" R.A trailed off, expecting an answer from the red head. She felt her chest tighten because of the nervousness, and her heart beating much quicker. The redhead gazed at R.A and smiled lovingly.
"I was just wondering if you wanna go on a ride? Just the two of us?"

R.A was lightning-struck. All of a sudden, it was as if she stopped functioning altogether. She opened her mouth to speak, but didn't say anything. Her cheeks were now flushed, and she brought her hand closer to her.
"Oh um.." R.A shyly muttered, her gaze fixed on the ground, "Yeah! Sure thing." She finally finished while looking into Ennard's eyes. However, R.A was screaming in joy, and was shy because, he was her crush after all.

Ennard gave a smile which was as wide as the ocean. He, too, was filled with joy.
"Awesome! Then, c'mon, hop on in." The redhead ran a hand through his hair and looked at the dragon with his smile which caused R.A's stomach to feel a bit queasy and filled with butterflies. I hate it when he does that.. R.A thought to herself before letting out s cough. She shyly made her way towards the bike, not wanting to make eye contact with Ennard. Despite how shy she felt, deep down inside, she wanted to let out a scream of pure happiness.

Ennard started the bike which responded with a slight jerk and screech.
"C'mon!" He patted the seat behind him, and R.A sat down.
"Ready to go?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. A-all good!" The dragon gave a crooked smile, and gazed into her eyes. R.A ignored this and sat on the steps, keeping a little space between them.
"Helmet?" The redhead offered kindly. The dragon let out a giggle, "No thank you," she stated, "I've got horns so, y'know."
"Hey, scoot a little forward. I don't want you to fly away."

R.A shyly scooted forward, and pushed aside her conflicting feelings. She put her hands on his waist with a light grasp. All of a sudden, Ennard grabbed her hands, and circled them around himself, causing R.A to slightly jerk forward, and let out a soft gasp. "There's no reason to be shy," Ennard looked back at her, "I don't bite." R.A looked away, not wanting to make eye contact. She bit her lip and nodded shyly,

The two humanoids were on the road. They passed all the buildings, and drive forward. R.A kept staring at everything they passed by, watching it being left behind and out of sight. R.A felt very nervous. For the first time, she was here with her crush, but not only that, she was on a ride with him. Just the both of them. At the thought of it, R.A made and expressing of anger to herself, and her face went red. She hung her head, resting her forehead on Ennard's back, and digging her face into his shirt.

"Having fun eh? You're mighty quiet! I thought that you flew away or something!" Both the humanoids chuckled,
"What? No way! I'm just..kind of..astonished because..nobody had ever offered me a ride before.."
"So that means I'm a first, right?"
"*giggle* Sure thing, Ennard."
R.A had a sudden urge to scream "WHEEEEEE!" With her arms let free, but she didn't wanna embarrass someone she likes so much. Calm down R.A, you're just having one of your "attacks" NO BUT- OUT OF EVERYONE, WHY ME???? R.A mentally screamed to herself.

Ennard got the idea that R.A was definitely feeling shy, and he grinned at such a thought. He then got an idea,
"R.A, come a bit closer, I won't be able to hear you when you speak." R.A proceeded what he said and went red. Is-is he doing this on purpose?? What? Why? How? What? Why??? WHAT??? R.A had no idea what to do; she was dumbfounded.
"You want me to do-GAH!" R.A was jerked forward, practically till the point where she was real close to Ennard's back, and could easily hug him from behind. R.A tried not to scream, but Ennard noticed R.A's red face, and giggled to himself.

Then, For a split second, Ennard looked down at R.A's hands wrapped around his waist. She was much closer now. The redhead could almost feel R.A's warmth, with her hands holding onto him euth s more stronger grasp. Ennard glanced at her hands, and then returned his gaze back at the stretched-out road. His red hair flowed along with cool wind which stung his face, but he didn't care. He then thought to himself; Man, I wish these hands hold onto me for eternity.

Then, Ennard stopped his bike near a shop which was selling Boba Tea. Ennard quickly asked R.A what flavour she wanted and rushed inside the shop. A few seconds later, Ennard came back with two Boba teas; Almond & Strawberry.
"Here's your strawberry Boba Tea!" Ennard gently handed her the Boba Tea, and R.A also grabbed it, but then their fingers accidentally touched and R.A quickly put her hand away with the Boba Tea. Ennard's eyes went agape and took out his phone, quickly shuffling through it. He then stood close to R.A who looked at him with curiosity, "Hmm?" She muttered while taking a sip from her tea. "Just a selfie:D" R.A let out an extended 'ohhh!' And happily took a selfie with him.

Both of them chatted for some time before they hopped on and made their way to their next stop; the bowling alley. R.A gasped loudly when she was the large, neon sign welcoming its visitors. Ennard paid for 2 games, and the two of them took turns while the other filmed the one who was bowling. At the end, their little battle ended up in a tie, and both of them did a high-five. "R.A, you were amazing!" R.A chuckled and slightly threw her head back, "Naw, stop flustering me!"
A ray of sunshine shone through the window, landing on R.A's eyes. Ennard saw this and took a minute to admire the beauty in front of him. R.A's dazzling eyes in the sunlight. It took his breath away.

Afterwards, R.A finally felt confident and began talking to him more openly, without feeling hesitant. They laughed, and talked as they drove. They then reached a bridge, where the sun was setting. It was a beautiful sight; the sky was an orange-red soup, with the last of the sun rays illuminating the sky. R.A took a picture of this, and of Ennard who was busy connecting his phone to his mini speaker.
"Ooh, you putting on some music?" R.A scooter forward and smiled.
"Mhm! I would always put on some blasting music when I would be with Elly."

Boba Tea, Bowling Alley, a bike ride, a nice chat. All these things were beginning to come to R.A as special memories which she would forever cherish. Ennard put on a song, and R.A softly gasped. As the song played, R.A rested her head on Ennard's back, as the two humanoids drove as the sun dipped down in the horizon.

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