«5: Jealousy?»

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Edward observed himself in the mirror. He checked his outfit and hair one last time before he was out.
"How do I look?" He looked over his shoulder, expecting to see his love. However she wasn't there. The redhead then looked over his other shoulder, only for a pair of arms to snake around his waist.
"You look amazing as ever~" Rachel complimented in a hushed, flirtatious tone with half-lidded eyes. She rested her chin on his shoulder, and looked in the mirror. Edward jumped a little and felt the hairs of his neck stick up. He could hear his heart drumming in his ears as a blush spread across his face,
"Oh Rachel, please don't talk with a tone like that.." He mumbled which Rachel heard crystal- clear.
"Hmm? Or else what? Did it get you flustered?" Rachel whispered the last part while whispering, causing Edward's ear to heat up.
"NOW, NOW MISSY! JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE SAYING??" stuttered Edward with a crimson flushed face soon covering it with his hands. R.A chuckled softly and buried her face into his neck.
"Let's get going, shall we?"

The both of them held hands as they walked in sync on the grey pavement, their silver engagement rings in view. Edward glanced at his love who glanced back at him and both of them laughed. Meanwhile, Peeky ran a hand through his silky, navy-blue hair. He had just left the salon after getting a facial treatment. He threw back his head groaning,
"What's up with the weather today? The sun will RUIN my complexion! And my hair's beginning to get frizzy.." He whined, soon eyeing Edward and Rachel who were walking in his direction. The young boy gasped and sprang up, the white seat behind him almost toppling over,
"FINALLY! YOU GUYS MADE IT! What took you two so long?! My hair was beginning to get frizzy!"

Edward scratched his neck as a light blush spread across his face. Rachel giggled, wrapping an arm around Edward's waist,
"Oh - not much actually. Edward here," she teasingly poked his cheek, "was being stubborn." The redhead gritted his teeth, his face now crimson red and shot his head in Rachel's direction,
"Rachel!" He hissed in a low tone and was careful of not coming off as too harsh. Rachel just giggled and nuzzled her nose with his.
"Anyways, shall we settle down?" Rachel kept looking at Edward, her gaze full of love. A love which was able to calm Edward down and feel secured.
"Hmph, fine!"

The aroma of freshly baked buns welcomed the newly customers, causing Rachel's mouth to water. Woah... She then eyed a tray which had chocolate moose flavoured cupcakes placed on it. These bakery products always look so delicious. Pity me, I barely get anytime to relax thanks to me running affairs at the Kingdom. After a few minutes, the gang settled down on a round table, but this initiated Rachel's ticking bomb which was going to explode in some time. Starting off with, Rachel was sitting across Edward when she wanted to sit next to him. Of course it wasn't because she was possessive or anything, but she was short-tempered and always had second thoughts whenever someone would separate the two even as a joke. But she tried her best not to radiate toxic vibes.

"Aha! I hope you don't sitting a little away from Edward." said Peeky in a slight hushed tone only for Rachel to hear. Rachel's eyes diverted to Edward's laughing face,
"Yeah," her eyes then landed onto Christine [Funtime Chica] who seemed like she was enjoying herself, "it's all good." Rachel reassured with a teeth smile which soon faded.

Peeky felt a shiver run down his spine and noticed Rachel's narrowed eyes and clenched fist (which was placed on the table.) Then, a waiter stopped by,
"Good afternoon! What would you like for me to whip up for you guys?"
"Ooh! I'll have the usual~" said Peeky.
"Some heart shaped cookies and a cappuccino, please!" followed in by Christine.
"I'll have coffee." Both Edward and Rachel said at once and immediately looked at each other, blushing and giggling. The waiter quickly scribbled down the orders and rushed back. The talking came to a mini halt when Christine and Peeky were showing each other something on their phones. Edward's eyes landed on Rachel who was tracing her finger on the table with a dull expression on her face. Worry clouded over the boy's heart and felt his heart sunk. Hesitantly, he reached out his hand and rested it on Rachel's.

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