part 5

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"Changbin, what do you mean?"

"Let me be your stand in. We can still do your world tour but it will be me dressed up as you. No one would know!"

He sits on the edge of my hospital bed, a look in his eyes that scares me.

"We don't look anything a like."

"Thats why when I go on stage it will just be my shadow. They can't see my face."

"But I'm taller than you...and we have different body types." I point out.

"Ya! What are you trying to say?"

Why do you want to pose as me anyway?

The nurse comes in. Again with food, but this time noodles.

"Mm-mm." Changbin eyes the food.
I raise my brows.

"Really Changbin?"

"What? Good food being served by a pretty lady?"

"Dont be so shameless..." I mutter.

"No wonder you don't want to leave, Yeonjun! You're living the life."

I scoff. Who said I didn't want to leave? Me, a sick guy in a hospital room that's only getting worse, is living the life? I don't think so. You can leave this place and go do whatever you want. You can run free. You can laugh without your stomach feeling like it's being ringed out like a wet towel.

Yet apparently I'm living the life.

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