part 11

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He carries a small glass bottle and takes a syringe. He makes his way beside me and I freeze, making my heart monitor have a fit again.

He stops for a moment.

I cautiously breath again.

He laughs.

Did I miss something?

"Look at you. So fragile, vulnerable." His hushed voice sends shivers down my spine. "Whose the better one now? Huh? It's me. Look at me!" He takes me by surprise by forcing my eye open with his cold hands. I can't help but gasp.

He gasps too, but suddenly it turns into an evil smile.

"I'm glad you're awake. I want you to die knowing that it was me who did it to you, because your last thought will be acknowledgeding that I am superior."

"You idiot! What are you doing? Are you really that jealous of me?" I shout.

"Shut up!" He holds a needle filled with more poison. "This is the last dose. Be quiet and maybe I'll make another visit instead of doing it all now."

"You mean you'll let me live longer?! Gee thanks! I always wanted to die on a Saturday rather than on a Friday night!"

I manage to press the help button on the wall.

He laughs. "Your lady friend won't be meeting with us today."

"What did you do to her??" I demand. He gets on the bed and grabs my throat.


My eyes bulge as I try and claw his hands away from my neck. It takes everything in me just to sit up.

I'm gonna die. Right here, in this hospital bed. And nobody's gonna know that it was murder.

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