part 10

40 4 1

It's late, and I can hear two people talking in hushed tones at my door.
I can barely open my eyes, but I manage to catch a glimpse of my nurse standing with a taller figure through the door, which is slightly ajar. It's too dark to tell who the other person is.

"Sir, it's after visiting hours..."

I can't make out the rest.

Has that guy come back again to visit me again?

If so, I have to figure out who it is. I need to know.

Should I press the nurse button? Maybe she will see that I'm awake and the visitor will reveal themselves.

I can't move my arms easily. I'm extremely lethargic.

Suddenly, I hear the guy. "...You'll let me in..."

He sounds threatening. Suddenly I don't want the nurse, Ms. Song, to be alone out there anymore. I have a gut feeling that something isn't right.

Where's that stupid button?

I try to open my mouth to cry for help but it's as if I'm slowly being parlayzed.

I hear Ms. Song gasp, it's more like a cry. There's some aggressive shuffling. And the sound of stifled shouts.

He's hurting her.

I can't stand to be like this!

I'm the only witness but I can't see them or move, I can't do anything!

I hear my heart monitor beeping more fast. I'm having a panic attack.

I'm crying but I can't say anything.
I'm stuck in my body. Everything gets louder. The cries for help, the beeping of my heart monitor.

It's quiet. How much time has passed, I don't know. I blacked out.

I'm not alone though. I feel a presence.

I hear clinking, like glasses cheering.

I open my eyes as much as I can.

My heart drops.

What? Why is he here?

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