part 6

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"I can't feel my legs anymore. I can't feel my legs."

I knew I was getting worse, but not like this.

"Shh, you'll be okay." The nurse tries to calm me.

"No you don't understand! I can't feel my legs!" I'm basically shouting now.

"Mr Choi, I understand that you are very distressed, but there are other patients here that you will disturb if you continue to be loud like this. We are going to run some tests today and see why this is happening but I need you to cooperate."

I don't even feel the needle go into my arm.

My breathing is out of control as I brace myself with the sides of the hospital bed.

I'm getting worse.

I'm not going to get better.

I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. All those cards and texts, phone calls telling me that I'll get better.

They're all lies.

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