part 7

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"Mr Choi...we have found some things out from the tests." She comes and perches on the edge of my bed, her hands gripping onto the clipboard.

She looks as though she's about to try and bolt outta here. I don't blame her.

With my short temper nowadays I would be scared to be the bearer of my bad news too.

Hm, why even bother to tell me.

"What is it?" I know I'm coming off cold, but who cares anymore. What's the point of sugar coating things when it's all salt?

"Well, um...the doctor found more arsenic poison in your system. She doesn't know how it got there but it's double the amount of when you came in and..." Her voice hitches and her eyes are suddenly wet.

Suddenly my eyes get wet, too.

"And..? I prompt her slightly. I know she's about to say something terrible.

" this rate, there's nothing we can do to save you." Her voice breaks and my heart stops. There's a pang in my chest, one that I've never experienced before.

I'm gonna die? What about all of my fans, what about my career? All those years I spent as a trainee, meant nothing?

We're both sobbing now, like there's no tomorrow. Because for me, there might not be.

After recollecting ourselves she informs me that she'll be back soon to give me lunch. She stops at the door. "Yeonjun,"

Oh, so we're on a first name basis now?

"I forgot to mention that you had a visitor last night, but you were sleeping. I let them in. I told them they could wait and you might wake up but they insisted that it wasn't urgent. And left shortly."

Before I could ask who, she's already gone.

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