part 8

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This week has been nothing but bad news. It's safe to say that this is the lowest I've ever felt in life.

"Hello Stars!! I know I've been M.I.A for a while, sorry about that. I've been graciously receiving all of the gifts that you all are sending, thank you for that~
Don't worry about me, I'm feeling fine! Remember to stay healthy, I love you and see you soon Stars!"

I end the video with a finger heart.

My company advised that it would be best to lie to the fans in this kind of situation.

"We can let them know that your going to die, it will be bad rep for the company and it might run us out of business. Sales are already down."

Hm, way to put it bluntly, boss.

That didn't hurt at all.

"So, you have a choice Yeonjun. You can either stay here at the hospital to keep you on morphine, or you can go home. Either way....well, you know." The nurse stands timidly at the edge of my bed.

Yeah, I know. Either way I'll die.

Hmm...I vuess I have to use my critical thinking skills. I guess I shouldn't have dropped out...

Staying here = morphine= less pain

Going home = privacy = I can't walk = more pain = do I really wanna die in my dorm at the company?

"I'll stay here." I say firmly.

She smiles. "Okay. Also, you had another visitor last night. Same as last time. They were in a hurry again."

I furrow my brows. "Who was it?"

She shrugs. "Some guy. I didn't catch the name. I'll ask if he comes again."

She leaves, leaving me with my skepticism.

Who keeps visiting me every night while I'm asleep? What if they're the ones doing this to me? A guy? Could it be my boss? No, he doesn't want me to die because it would look bad for the company. And it's too risky.

I bring my hand up to run it through my hair.


Why is my skin turning yellow? 

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