Chapter 8 Mother and Queen

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Angelina could feel little butterflies fluttering around in her stomach as she stood frozen in the courtyard. She had watched Jonathan ride off in a daze, her heart thumping in her chest and a bright red flush on her cheeks. Forcing herself back to reality, she reached up to hold her face and stared down at the brick floor.

Why am I so flustered?

A man bidding farewell to a woman with a kiss on the hand wasn't unusual - on the contrary, it's customary in many kingdoms, including Valora. Angelina had seen the gesture performed several times during balls and even in the village, but this was the first time someone had done it to her. That said, it only made sense that she would react like this.

"Let it go Angelina. He was just saying goodbye, and it's more than less likely you will ever see him again," she told herself. Turning on her heels, she left the courtyard and back through the side entrance she used earlier. The council meeting was likely over by now, so Angelina opted to head for her father's study where she hoped to gain some answers in regards to the information she had learned from her little trip. She was rounding a corridor when she heard the light pitter-patter of shoes against the tiled floor. She looked up and her hands flew to her mouth as a gasp escaped her. That was just about the only thing she could get out before the tears started forming, a rough feeling quietly building up in her throat.

"Mother?" Angelina finally managed, her voice shaking in the process.

"Hello, Lina," her mother said, using the nickname she had given Angelina several years ago.

"I thought you were...when did you...," Angelina's words died off as she stared at her dear mother, hands clenching one another beneath her dry throat. It felt like it had been forever since she last saw her mother, yet here she was, standing with all the grace and beauty as if she had never fallen sick. Her fair skin was as bright as ever, and the hue of her pale blue eyes lacked any cloudy haze. She was donned in a rich, royal purple dress with gold detailing and a pearl headpiece woven into her strawberry blond hair. A gentle smile formed on the Queen's face as she approached her daughter, her arms outstretched in a silent offer. Angelina didn't hold back as she buried herself in her mother's embrace. Her teary eyes finally gave away the moment she closed them, soaking the soft material over her mother's shoulder. She suddenly had a barrel of things she wanted to say, but the words were caught up in her throat by the flood of tears. 

"I missed you," Angelina cried, her voice muffled and horse.

"I know, Lina, I know." Her mother ran a comforting hand along Angelina's back to ease her crying. "We have much to talk about now that my illness has passed."

"Such as?" Angelina asked as she pulled her head back.

"Your visit to Kastron," her mother answered.

Angelina's eyes widened. "You know."

"I was informed not long after you left. My fever had broken at some point the night before and the physician said I was well enough for you and your father to come and see me. I knew how eager you've been in my absence, Lina, so I was most surprised to hear that you had decided to venture beyond the kingdom. But when your father explained to me that you had gone to try and form an alliance in his place I was so proud of you. I know it must have not been an easy thing for you to do as you've never learned how to handle such a task," her mother praised.

Receiving her mother's approval gave Angelina the assurance that she had handled the situation of approaching Kastron well. She had worried that going could have been a horrible mistake, giving her lack of political judgment, but now she felt like everything would be alright. With a bright smile on her face, she flanked to her mother's side and linked their arms in a loose embrace.

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