Chapter 9 New Order

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The next morning, Angelina rushed to leave for the mine. She wanted to get there early so when all the workers arrived she could make her announcement. Her mother had advised that it would be best for Angelina to inform everyone of her partnership with Count Randolp herself. That way everyone would know their Princess was the new head authority figure.

With the help of her lady-in-waiting, Angelina shed her nightgown and dressed in her riding gear - a brown, knee length overcoat, matching colored boots, and a simple, dark mauve dress. It was a much more suitable outfit for a rugged, dirty environment. And since she would be traveling through the mountains, where the winds can be more powerful, she decided that a half updo would be an order.

In the midst of that process, Angelina had time to muddle over her thoughts, which were quite crowded at the moment. Count Randolph likely knew by now that she was going to be in charge of the new mine layout. It couldn't have been very pleasant news for him judging by how obstinate he was when it came to his ways of doing things. Having to answer to someone else was obviously going to be a blow to his pride, but Angelina could care less about that after how he treated her people, which she was still very upset over, and the things he dared to say about not only her but of Jonathan as well.

Speaking of him, how was he doing back in Kastron? A twinge of worry settled into Angelina's heart at the thought of misfortune coming down on such a brave knight. She wished there was some way for her to find out what had happened to him, or at the very least know if he was well. Wanting to calm her anxious heart, she took a deep breath and reached out to grab her necklace from her jewelry box, only to find a piece of fabric draped over it. What was this still doing here? Angelina thought that it would have been thrown away after Martha had replaced it with a proper wrapping last night, yet here it is.

Without thinking, she took the fabric in her hands with the yellow side facing upwards. There were still streaks of red stranded on it, but that didn't stop her from rubbing her thumb over it absentmindedly, the material soft against her skin.

"Are you thinking about him, Princess?" Martha asked as she finished braiding two sections of Angelina's hair and tying them together at the back of her head with a ribbon.

Angelina nodded silently; she didn't need clarification to know who Martha was talking about - not after how she had explained all that Jonathan had done for her. "Martha, please see to it that this fabric is cleaned and returned to my room while I am out."

Martha dipped her chin. "As you wish, Princess."

Angelina marched out of her room and headed back to the dinning hall. She wasn't as joyous as she usually would have been, though, thanks to last night's event and seriously hoped that it would just be her and her parents at breakfast today. The last thing she wanted was to have to hear Count Randolph's attempt at revoking their partnership, which would only be futile, and ruin their quality family time like he did at dinner. Fortunately, luck just so happened to be on her side and she found herself in the presence of just her mother and father.

Angelina smiled in relief. She gave both her parents a side hug, bidding good morning to them as she did so, and took her seat on her father's left side.

"I presume that you will be going to the mine after breakfast, sweetie?" Edmund asked, noticing her riding clothes.

"Yes, Father. I plan to ride Ciel instead of taking the carriage, I haven't spent much time with her as of late."

"Are you sure that is wise, Lina? You've never taken Ciel up there before, she might get frightened by something on the way," Clarrisa pointed out.

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