Chapter 7 Consequence's

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Jonathan watched as Princess Angelina was carried away by one of her knights, Edger. A part of him wanted to follow them - to make sure that nothing else would happen - but he didn't want to overstep his boundaries by being intrusive. The position he was in already fragile enough. So with a clenched jaw, he tore his eyes away from the departing figures only to be met with the one approaching him. He nearly froze at Angelina's father, the King, coming to greet him.

"My friend, I believe I owe you my gratitude for bringing my daughter back to me. You had no obligation to do that and yet you traveled so far from your own land to bring my daughter home."

Jonathan was taken aback by the way the King graciously spoke to him. He half expected to be treated with suspension, so it was more than surprising when the exact opposite happened. Snapped back to his senses, he quickly bowed down on one knee as he addressed the King. "It was my honor, Your Majesty."

The King waved a hand to beckon Jonathan upright. "What is your name?"

"Jonathan, Your Majesty. I am a knight serving under command of King Frederick..." For the first time ever, Jonathan felt slightly ashamed to say who's authority he was under. The events of today had changed his view of his own King drastically.

"I see," the King replied nonchalantly, not seeming even slightly bothered by Jonathan's identity. That was a relief for him in more ways than one.

"I think I should find my way to the inn to prepare for my journey back, Your Majesty." Jonathan said, reaching out to grab the reins to his borrowed horse.

"Nonsense. I think a room on castle grounds will do you just fine. Besides, I doubt you have the money to pay for a room given the circumstances," the King pointed out.

Jonathan bit his lip, conflicted. He appreciated the offer, but he didn't want to intrude on the royal family any more than he already had. Then again, he was in unfamiliar territory and knew that he would be safe within the castle walls. He quickly scanned the building in front of him as best he could through the faint light of dusk. Unlike the square layout of King Frederick's castle, this one was spread out in a sideways T-shape. The main keep was surrounded by three towers and a side walkway leading to another, slightly shorter tower was placed beside it.

"Very well then. I thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty," he said sincerely, bowing his head once again.

After dropping the horse off at the castle stables, Jonathan followed behind a female servant through the castle halls. He looked around and noticed that although the interior of this place was fitting for a castle it wasn't as grand as he expected it to be. Then again, every kingdom had their own kind of cutler, and it seemed like the boating of wealth wasn't a major factor here. It was honestly a refreshing thing to come across. They walked up to a door and the girl turned around to face Jonathan, her expression relaxed.

"This will be your quarters for the night, Sir," she said, gesturing to the door with her hand. "Some food and water will be brought to you shortly." 

"Thank you," Jonathan replied. The girl curtsied to him before heading back down the hall.

Jonathan walked into the room and closed the door behind him as he leaned against the wooden structure. He rubbed his temples, feeling drained and more than ready to finally relax. What a day, he thought to himself. So much has happened and despite the last few hours that had passed, he still found it all incredibly disturbed. All in one day, he went from being entirely loyal to his king to questioning why he served him in the first place. Once more, he never would've expected to venture outside the walls of his kingdom, nor be the escort of a Princess. He would have thought it absurd, in fact, if he was confronted with the possibility a day sooner. Yet, here he was.

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