Chapter 3 The Messanger

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Shout-outs to AnalogiesGoneAtray who gave me my first two votes. Thank you so much.
Hope you enjoy!

;) ItzHuntress

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Angelina's heart was still pounding in her chest as she walked over to her carriage and climbed back in. She was shocked with herself over what had just happened - over what she had done to gain access into this kingdom. Never in her life has she ever had to take such a bold stance and assert her royal authority, let alone in a foreign place. Perhaps that's why she had this odd sense of accomplishment building up inside of her, for it, in truth, would not have been her own decision to confront those guards. She was a foreigner after all - the last person anyone would listen to here.

Nevertheless, she mustered up the courage to do it, but only because Edger gave her an encouraging push - placing his hand on her back when she struggled for words. That small act was enough to help her push forwards, and resurface the memory of him saying "you are the kind of girl men will listen to."

Maybe Edger is right about me being brave, Angelina considered. With nothing else to do, she leaned back in her seat as the carriage started moving and stared out the window to watch the passing scenery outside. She nearly jumped when she saw how dark it was. Despite it only being mid-day, hardly any light could shine through the tall, immensely leafed trees surrounding them. It made her think for a second that it was much later, but that was impossible. Her father had said that Kastron was only half a day's journey, so the sun would still be setting by the time they returned.

That little piece of information brought Angelina great comfort. If this was how dark this area is during the day, then she didn't what to think about how it would look when it is actual after dark. Just the thought of it made an unpleasant chill run down her spin. It wasn't as if she had a fear of the dark - no, that's completely childish - but rather a fear of what can happen during those hours of poor visibility.

I'll be back home way before then. There's no need for me to be worrying myself over being out after dark, Angelina told herself.

After a few minutes, the group finally reached the end of the dense forest. The trees immediately dissipated and rows of inhabited farmlands filled the empty space left behind. They continued on until the land was cut off by a wide ditch that was bridged over, connecting what appeared to be the entrance to the village.

Angelina watched the hustle and bustle of all the town's people as they passed by. From what she could tell, Kastron seemed to be much more crowded compared to her own kingdom. Not only were there hundreds, if not thousands, of people roaming about on every street, but wagons and roofless carriages carrying passengers who didn't wish to worm their way through the sea of people also drove around. The town square held no exception to the massive crowds. There was at least one person - if not a few - standing in front of the many merchant booths that littered the area.

Angelina's trance of surveillance was cut off when a pair of faint voices came from the right side of the carriage. Curious, she scooted across the velvet bench until she was next to the window and leaned her head forwards to look past the red curtain hanging off it. Immediately, she realized it was two of her knights - Ashton and Nicholas - talking to each other quietly as they followed right beside the carriage. Neither of them noticed her and carried on with their conversation, one which Angelina quietly listened to - or rather tried - thinking that maybe she could learn something about them as she did not know either of the two very well.

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