Chapter 2 Ruler Of Valora

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Happy New Year! I know it's been a little while since I posted and I thank you all for your patience. Let me know if you guys like being able to see what the character looks like. Enjoy!

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Things were very quiet along the borders of the kingdom of Kastron. So much that Jonathan swore he would be able to hear even the smallest bit of noise emit around him. He wasn't used to this much silence and, if he was being honest, it slightly unsettled him - making him suspect something bad was going to happen at any moment. His anxiousness was no doubt due to the recent burglar that was caught trying to breach the kingdom's border, causing an increase in security to be issued by the King.

Jonathan was one of the few knights who were assigned to patrol the area in addition to their original post. It was a reasonable course of action, or so it was at the time. But now that a week's time or so has passed it seemed pretty pointless to keep things the way they were. At least, that is what Jonathan has heard some of the knights who were on patrol at the same time as him say from time to time. While he could understand why some of his fellow comrades would feel that way, he didn't think it was right for such things to be said behind the King's back. It was disrespectful, regardless of whether the knights were in the right or not.

Not wanting to dwell too much on the thought, despite how much it bothered him, Jonathan focused his efforts on keeping a lookout. He could feel the sun on his back as he walked the stone path atop of the wall leading to the front gate, closely observing what was below him as well as above him in the surrounding tree. With his mind so high on alert, he didn't even notice that he was just under the gate. He would have kept on going if he didn't spot a hunched figure out of the corner of his eye.

A young boy, who looked to be the age of seventeen, stood a short distance away with his hands resting under his chin and atop of the walls' flat, stony fencing. He was a responsible height for his age with a small amount of facial hair and a muscular build that suggests he has spent a lot of time on building up his endurance. Jonathan smiled, recognizing the boy in spite of the distance as his squire and close friend, Aidan. He had asked if could come along on patrol with Jonathan and learn how to defend the kingdom against a potential threat.

"Aidan," Jonathan called out, trying to get his friend's attention as he walked over to the wall. He frowned when he got no response and tried again with his voice a little bit raised this time. But Aidan still didn't seem to hear him and continued to stare over the horizon. His expression was thoughtful and Jonathan assumed that something was going on as he reached out to place a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Oh, Jonathan. When did you get here?" Aidan asked, completely oblivious to his mentore's attempts to get his attention.

Jonathan observed him for a moment before answering. "Just know. Is something the matter, Aidan? I called out to you twice and you did not even move."

"No, it's nothing. I was just thinking about something," Aidan answered vaughly.

"Something that is bothering you." Jonathan clarified, easily seeing that there was more to this than what he was being led to believe. Not only because it wasn't like Aidan to be so inattentive, but because he knew the young boy all too well not to notice when something was on his mind. They have known each other for almost four years after all.

Aidan scrunched up his face, looking slightly abashed at what he had to say. "I've been feeling a little conflicted lately. I'm not fully certain if being a knight is what I really want, and while my parents do encourage the thought, I don't know if I can live up to all the expectations."

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