Chapter 6 The Journey Back

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Jonathan ignored the soreness growing in his back and carried on walking with Princess Angelina beside him. They had been through half the village, sticking to the back alleys throughout the streets and taking cover in the dark shadows of all the tall buildings. It was, of course, a risk to tread in such a hostel prone area, but it was the only way to ensure no one could disclose their location in the chance that King Frederick decided to send out a search party.

Princess Angelina had been rather quiet, saying not even a single word as she stared absentmindedly at the ground. Her face was still somewhat pale, but she looked a lot better than before when she barely had any color to her skin. It was amazing really, how she did not even faint from the amount of blood she lost or the anxiety she had been under from all that happened to her. I guess she's not as fragile as she appears, Jonathan thought to himself.

They walked out of the main part of the village and into the area where those who had riches in land rather than coins lived. The scenery here was a lot different; there were fields of grass lining the gravel road as far as the eyes could see and small fenced in farmlands behind some of the residents houses. Jonathan led Princess Angelina off the path, threw a line of trees, and over to a two story house. It wasn't as luxurious looking compared to ones in the upper part of the village, but had just as good of a structure and enough space separating it from the surrounding homes. On the left side was a large, wooden building with a triangular roof and a wall less shed beside it.

" that a stable?" Princess Angelina asked, finally breaking her silence.

Jonathan nodded. "I couldn't risk taking you back to the castle to grab my own horse, so I'm going to borrow one instead from the family who lives here."

A surprised expression flew across the Princess's face, as if she found his words to be the most unexpected thing she ever heard. Her eyes then softened as she looked up at him questionably, her head slightly tilted downward. 

"Why are you helping me? I am a foreigner and your King calls me an enemy yet despite all that you protect me as if I were the Princess of this land. Surely you know that if someone were to find out you've helped me you will be considered a traitor."

"Be that as it may, I was not going to stand by and watch you be wrongly captured. What kind of knight would I be if I turned a blind eye to someone being treated injustice based merely on empty accusations. Even if there was any truth to my King's words, it wouldn't change the fact that he attacked you for no good reason nor affect my choice to help you. I would do it all again if I had to," Jonathan said seriously, meaning every word. 

"Then I suppose I owe you another thanks," Princess Angelina said heartedly, almost smiling.

"Don't be thanking me just yet, Your Highness. I still have to bring you home."

The sound of horses emitted from inside the stables as they walked up to the front entrance. Jonathan pushed one of the doors open and craned his neck to peer inside. He found the place looked as it always did - well kept and tidy, even down to the hole-less dark wood wall and the slightly lighter colored floorboards covered in a sparse amount of hay. There were some iron lanterns hanging randomly on the walls as well as on the roof above a small, fenced in stronger area that roofed the back entrance vestibule underneath.

Jonathan kept his hold on Princess Angelina as he guided her into the stable, worried that her injury could still lead her to fall if she tried to walk. He brought her over to a stall and had her lean against it as he removed his arm from her waist. His back ached now that he was standing up straight but he paid no mind to it for the discomfort would fade away soon enough.

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