Chapter 1 The Favor

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For those of you how didn't read my note please go back and do so, I have important things to say. Also, a special shout to a friend of mine who is helping me with plot building.

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Beautiful, Angelina thought to herself.

There was no better word to describe it - the simple yet breathtaking scenery taking place right before her as she sat at her bedroom window seat. Clouds of different lengths were scattered across the sky, and golden rays of the sun peeked out from behind the towering mountains that bordered her kingdom.

Angelina, since she was a little girl, had always found great joy in watching the rising sun. To others it may seem like a small - and perhaps even silly - thing to be so infatuated with, but to her it was something that was underrated and should be paid attention to more often. Why that was so for her, she knew not. What she did know was that the calming sensation wafting through her, pushing reality away, was the most enjoyable thing in the world. She sighed happily, moving closer to the windowsill with her chin in her crossed arms. Her mind wandered as she watched the gradient colors of dawn fade away, leaving behind a bright shade of blue to color the sky.

It's been a while since I last went to the plaza and-

A sudden knock on her bedroom doors cut off her train of thought. She turned around as the door swung open to see her lady-in-waiting, Martha, standing in the doorway.

"Good morning, Princess," Martha greeted as she dropped into a curtsy, her chestnut strands from her loose bun hanging down from her temples. When she rose once again, she stepped over the threshold and closed the door behind her before stepping further into the room. "Your father has asked to speak with you, Princess."

'"Why?" Angelina asked with a brow raised.

"I don't know," Martha explained with a shrug. "He didn't say."

Angelina's mind raced. What did her father want to talk to her about? Was she in trouble? No, it couldn't be that - she had spent a wonderful time talking with him in the garden yesterday. Although, he did seem like something was troubling him.

"Very well, then. I will get ready to see him right away, " Angelina said, reaching out to pull the window closed.

Martha picked out a satine, long sleeve, carmine pink dress that was trimmed with gold lining. Angelina dressed quickly, and Martha assisted her by fastening a floral print belt around Angelina's waist and placing a gold forehead crown decorated with moonstones adorned her head.

"Thank you, Martha," Angelina said when her lady-in-waiting finished tying her shoes. She rose up from her chair and smoothed down her skirt, satisfied.

"Do you need anything else, Princess?" Martha asked as stood up from her kneeled position on the floor.

"No, Martha, you may go now."

Martha curtsied before exiting the room. Angelina watched her friend leave, then looked down to the floor thoughtfully once the door was closed. She still couldn't think what her father wanted to talk to her about so suddenly. And in truth, it was unsettling. Not that she was afraid to talk with him - quite the opposite in fact - but rather what he would say.

I should go and find Father already to see what he wants.

Raising her head, Angelina headed towards her bedroom door and placed her hand on the handle. She was about to turn it when a thought crossed her mind, making her freeze and turn back around to her vanity. She reached out to raise the lid of a small box and picked up a gold necklace. On it hung a lone, matching colored pendant that was fashioned to represent the image of her family crest - three elaborate swirls encasing two pink, rose shaped crystals in the center.

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