Chapter 6

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Hey everybody! So this is the next chapter. I'ma trying to keep posting on time, but I am almost at 100 pages on Google Docs for the THIRD STORY. YES. I AM DOING ANOTHER BOOK. I am going to hopefully finish it before posting this whole story, as to maybe start book 4...welp enjoy!

"For a while, the Tueres made sure that everything was in order. All the worlds were in order, and everything was in shape. Then, Chaos emerged. At first, people didn't really understand its power, but when they realized its potential, some grew hungry for it. But a few people knew that the Tueres would not approve of this, so they met in the dark, practicing its magic. Over time, Chaos overtook them. Their will was bent by him, and they wreak havoc everywhere. When the Tueres saw this, they were horrified. They immediately banned it when their people began to use it to fight against them. Some ignored, and were removed of all ability to handle any ability. The worshippers had to go into hiding, but all were found and removed of Chaos. Yet, they still believed that Chaos was their leader. It was known as the Dark Ages. Almost a decade of fighting Chaos." "But, how did Chaos appear?" Nadwe asked. "No one knows. And no one knows how to defeat him." "But what does dark magic have to do with her? And my question is how is Chaos back in Zack?" Jooice said, his voice cracking at the end. Jooice wanted to scream. He just wanted to let all his rage out. But he held it back, but it hurt. It hurt him so bad. Socks could see it on his face. He wanted to help him, but how? Laff was silent the whole time. He still felt like a puppet. It was all Chaos that made him L4FF. He wanted to hide from Chaos, never let him use him again. Make him hurt his friends. "We don't know exactly what he did to him, but we can only hope for the best." Eclipse sighed. Jooice couldn't handle anymore of this. He stood up and went out of the room. "Come on Laff." Socks said, and both of them followed Jooice. Jooice just needed to let his rage out. He went to the nearest training room, and immediately shot a lightning bolt at a dummy. "Jooice!" Socks said. Socks and Laff ran into the room. "I'm fine." Jooice said, and scared himself when he heard how angry he sounded. "You're not. I could tell. Just, please calm down. We can't risk Chaos getting the better of us." Socks said. "Do you know how hard this is?!" Jooice yelled. Socks backed up a step. He wasn't sure whether to speak or not. "You don't. Cause you don't know what it's like. To constantly feel the evil go into you. Having your mind twisted? Hurting your friends, and can't do anything? Going to that hellish landscape, seeing someone else's memories, and trying to live with that? You don't understand." Jooice whispered that last part, and fell to his knees, tears starting to fall down his face. There was a few seconds of silence, then. "You're wrong." Jooice looked at Laff, so did Socks. "You're wrong." he said again. "You're wrong, cause I dealt with him long before all this. He was the reason why I hurt you guys. Remember when I told you I don't know why I did it? Because I didn't. Chaos twisted my mind, and made me go rogue. He's the reason why I became L4FF. I never wanted to hurt you guys, but guess what? HE made me hurt you. All of you guys. So you think that you're the only one that feels this way, then you're wrong. Because everyday, I try to deal with the fact that I can't change the past! I can't bring Wictoria back! I can't say sorry to Woolfster and Muffin for shooting them and nearly killing them! I can't say sorry to Nadwe for trying to hurt him, just because he wanted to help! I can't change that fact that I still fight myself against L4FF!" Then he stopped. He never meant to say the last part. "Wait, are you telling us?" Socks started. Laff looked down. "A few days after I ran, I was walking when I looked at my hands, and they were metal. And every once in a while, they become metal. I don't know why, but I can only think that L4FF is trying to get back in control." Then, as if on cue, his hands and arms changed to a shiny metal, which made Socks step back. Laff felt fear shoot through him. "Laff..." Jooice said slowly. "It's still me. I promise." Laff said shaikly. Socks was scared. If L4FF took control, it would be another problem on their hands. But to their relief, the metal disappeared, turning back to human flesh. Laff rubbed his arm, thankful that the metal was gone. "Laff, why didn't you tell us?" Socks asked. Laff sighed. "I didn't want to worry you guys. I also didn't want to risk myself hurting you." Socks went over to him and pulled him in a hug. Tears formed beneath his mask, and he felt relief go through him. "I'm sorry I got mad. I just...feel tired. Physically and mentally." Jooice apologize. Socks and Laff pulled apart. "Hey, no need to say sorry. I'm pretty sure if I was in your place, I'd do the same thing." Socks said. A small smile appeared on his face. "Maybe we should head back." Laff said. They all agreed, but when they were about to leave, something stopped them. Gold vines block the door. "Natalie." Socks said. Then three gold vines, each one going to one of the three, pressed them on their temple, and they all fell unconscious.

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