Chapter 8

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Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing okay because I am not. I got sent home because I wasn't feeling well. It's not Covid, I promise! Maybe just the stomach bug, cause it's been flying around in my school. Anywho, enjoy! Also, this is when I add Meme as a "father" to Nadwe. I wanted to cry so bad.

Socks twisted and turned. He was trying to stop something, but what? Suddenly, he fell, and was in a dark landscape. He woke up. He sat up, and got out of bed. Thunder and rain filled his ears. He opened the door and walked out. His footsteps made no sound, and when he reached a section where the corridors meet, he saw two people looking at him. But they were on his side. Laff and Jooice approached him. They said nothing, but went to the door that led outside. Dino had seen it all. And they only reason he knew that he was being stupid and following them was because all three of them had yellowish-green eyes.


Meme watched the rain fall down. The water avoided him as his eyes glowed blue. He had been practicing using his ability for long periods of time after the battle between Socks and Zack. Now, he could use it for almost 12 hours. He sighed. No sleep would come to him. Not for a long time. How could he? Not after seeing Laff with the metal arms... He sighed. "You good Meme?" Meme turned and saw Nadwe. Meme kinda considered Nadwe as his "adopted son". Nadwe never mind, but he did get mad when he was made fun of for his age. "Uh, I honestly don't know." Meme said. "Ima guess that it has something to do with Laff." Nadwe said. Meme turned away from him quickly. It got quiet for a while. "Listen, I know that it's not my business, but Laff probably feels the same way too. Maybe that's why he left. Maybe he couldn't bear with the fact that he did all that. And it even wasn't his fault. It was Chaos that made him. So...maybe not put all of it on him." Meme was quiet. Nadwe sat down next to him. "I'm only 14, but I know that before all this, you and Laff were great friends. Please, give him a chance." Meme was silent then he spoke. "I guess I did put a lot of pressure on him, huh?" "Not exactly. I think that because you saw him with the metal arms made him even more paranoid, cause he wasn't sure how you would react." Meme thought about it. "Maybe I should go talk to him." Meme said softly. "Yeah, maybe that'll help him relax." Nadwe said. The thunder and rain still went on. They didn't hear the person coming up behind them. "Nadwe, are you getting the feeling we're being watched?" Meme whispered. "...yeah." he replied. The unknown person raised his sword, and swung it down. A vine shot at the sword right behind Meme, which made both Nadwe and Meme jump up. Laff was trapped in the vines, trying to break free. "Laff?!" Nadwe and Meme said at the same time. He looked at them, his yellowish-green eyes piercing through them. "It's Chaos." Meme whispered. Socks and Jooice suddenly came out of nowhere, and broke the vines holding Laff. Meme and Nadwe ran as fast as they could away from him. Suddenly, vines wrapped around them and brought them over to Dino. "Dino, what happened?" Nadwe asked. "I heard someone walking outside my room, so I went to see who, but then I noticed their eyes. When they went outside, I saw you two, and found out Socks was blocking the door, so I had to wait for him to leave." Lighting struck down near them, and Jooice appeared. "He can travel through lightning, and it's the perfect weather for it!" Meme said. Dino shot thorns at Jooice, hoping to pin him down with them, but a green shield blocked them. Laff was walking towards them. "Have a Plan B?" Nadwe asked. Dino was quiet for a few seconds. "Meme, blast all three of them in different directions." Meme didn't understand why, but when Jooice started to attack them, he blasted him away with a hard blast of water. He moved Laff to another side. "I don't know where Socks is!" Meme yelled over the wind. "It's good enough!" Dino said. His eyes glowed a forest green, and cages of twisted vines surround the three. Before they could stop it, they were trapped. "Listen, we gotta find a way to..." But before he could finish, an air piercing roar sounded through the night. "No way." Nadwe said. They looked to where the sound was coming from, and saw Chaos there, ready to kill them. "HOW THE FUCK IS HE ALIVE??" Nadwe yelled. "I DON'T KNOW, BUT RUN!" Dino yelled. They all split up as a tentacle came down and nearly hit them. Dino and Meme ran to the cages, and Nadwe ran inside. He ran until he reached Natalie's room. "Natalie! I need to talk!" Nadwe said, panting. The door flew open and Natalie let him in. "What is it?" Natalie asked. "The three all went crazy. They tried to attack me and Meme, but Dino saved us, but then Chaos appeared, he's still alive! Even though I stabbed his heart!" Nadwe said quickly. "WHAT?" Natalie yelped. "Yeah! He almost killed all three of us! I don't know where Meme and Dino are!" Natalie began to pace, a very bad habit when she got stressed. "No one should live if they're stabbed through the heart, not even Chaos!" Suddenly, both Nadwe and Natalie felt a tugging sensation in the back of their head. "You feel that too?" Nadwe asked. Natalie nodded. "Is it Chaos?" Nadwe whispered. 

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