Chapter 9

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Hey guys! So in the chapter, you will all want to kill me. Yes. I wanted to cry in this chapter so much. So enjoy. WARNING: LOTS OF VIOLENCE, SWEARING, AND GORE.

Nadwe flew through the cool air, as the light shone through him. He couldn't feel the warmth of the sun anymore, or else he would burn. He went down near a pond, and changed back to human. He sat by the pond, looking at his reflection. His eyes, which were completely azure before, were now rimmed red and still azure, but it looked dull. His skin was pale, and he had fangs in his mouth. He sighed, and lay back, looking at the sky. He made his choice a long time ago. He couldn't change it. Nadwe just wanted to be free of this curse. He wanted to feel the sun, and deep down, he felt separated from his friends because of it. He sat back up, and looked at his reflection again. He was the only one that could kill Chaos without being killed himself. But could he do it? Chaos swore to kill him if he tried to do it again, but then what would happen to them? He pondered this question, and picked up a stick and started to play with it with the water. Unknown to him, something was lurking beneath the pond. And it was coming up to the surface. It got closer and closer. The water grabbed the stick, and pulled it into the water. Nadwe was confused. When the stick didn't come back up, he knew something was up. He stood up. Everything felt quiet. Suddenly, something burst from the pond, and Nadwe was swept away in a wave. When Nadwe saw what it was, his blood froze. It was another Chaos clone. It stared him down, eager to hunt. Nadwe was stupid! He was so stupid! Why did he go out, by himself, when Chaos was just promised to kill him!? Nadwe began to run, but a tentacle grabbed him, and banged him against a tree. His head pounded, his body sore. The tentacle then flung him into the air, away from everything. He hit the ground, banging his head on a rock, and everything went black.


Nadwe's eyes fluttered open. He felt weak, his head heavy. He sat up, but every part of his body screamed in pain. What had happened? He looked around where he was. He was in an unknown part of the forest, and that didn't help his odds. He then realized it was night. "How long have I been out?" He thought. He decided to get up, and look around where he was. But when he stood up, his right leg didn't want to walk. "Must be broken." Nadwe mumbled to himself. He grabbed a nearby stick, and used it as a crutch. He limped around for a while, looking for anything that would lead him back home. After ten minutes of walking, he sat down, having given up hope. "Where are you guys?" He whispered. He laid down on his back, looking up at the starry sky. He always liked to look at the stars. They brought a sense of comfort to him, like he wasn't alone. This thought brought relief and peace to him, and he fell asleep.


Meme was now worried. It was nighttime, and Nadwe wasn't back. "Maybe he needed to get some blood. He'll be fine." Woolfster said, but he half-believed that himself. Meme finally lost it. "I need to find him." He said, and started to go to the door that led outside. "Meme, please relax." Laff said. "No, something bad must've happened to him. I need to find him." Meme repeated. Suddenly, pain went through his head. It made him fall down. "Meme!" TBH yelped. Meme didn't hear them, as he was too focused on what he was seeing. Nadwe was showing him what had happened to him. Every. Little. Detail. When it ended, Meme noticed that he was lying on the floor, TBH and Laff starting over him. "Meme, what happened?" Laff asked worriedly. "Nadwe." was all he said. He got up and went outside. Laff and TBH stared at each other. Meme wasn't this protective of Nadwe. So has something happened? They followed him outside, but found he was nowhere. 

TBH:"Meme, where the hell are you?" 

Meme: "Listen, Nadwe's in trouble. He found another clone, well, more like the clone found him, but he's in bad shape." 

TBH:"How do you know all this Meme?" 

Meme:"He sent me everything that happened telepathically, but it took its toll on him. We need to find him now!" 

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