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You cannot expect me to be involved in a religion that says I am a mistake just for my preferences.

You cannot expect me to be involved in a religion with a god who abandoned me when I needed him most.

You cannot expect me to be involved in a religion where the followers preach about loving everyone no matter what, but only when it applies to them.

You cannot expect me to be involved in a religion with a god who supposedly has the power to stop all evil at any time, yet lets hundreds of men, women, and children get raped and murdered every single day.

You cannot expect me to be involved in a religion that is so judgemental, so hateful, so hypocritical, and so disgusting.


I do not mean to offend anyone with this. I know that not every Christian is like this, but all of them that I have met and seen how they act are like this, and this is just how I feel. I am very sorry if I did offend anyone, it was not my intention.

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