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Chapter One

Dipper's POV

It's been two years since I returned to Gravity Falls, since I saw Bill in the woods, since he confessed his love for me, since we started dating and we both fell for each other harder, since he told me the dangers of love between a mortal. It's been two years since I was murdered the night he told me, since he found the resurrection spell in my journal and brought me back to life, two years since I realized this elegant and charming human dream demon stole my heart and kept it. God, I love him.

"Dipper what about this? Hehehe.." Bill said laughing interrupting my thoughts. We were bored at the shack and sick of hearing Mabel ramble on about the guy she likes at work, so we decided we hang out at the mall. He placed a hot pink floppy sunhat with a ridiculous pinker flower on it on his head and made immature faces while posing in hilarious ways. "Hahahaha, wow you are one fabulous nacho.." I said holding my sides laughing. Bill hung the hat back up on the rack grinning widely at his humorous joke "I know right??" he said. I wandered over to the door way of the store and walked out while Bill followed behind. We passed a dark store blaring heavy metal music and filled with dyed-haired and ear-pierced young adults. The blond and black haired man stopped abruptly and craned his neck around staring wide-eyed at the store. I stopped to confused at why he was so engrossed in the punk store. He glanced at me and the corners of his mouths slowly curled and smiled inhumanly wide with a mischevious stare. I blanked for a second and it took me a moment to realize what this prick was up to. "nu-uh, I know what you're thinking wise guy. We under any circumstances are going in there. I don't care what you sa-" He suddenly grabbed my hand tightly and sprinted inside the story unfortunately pulling me with him. My ears rang from the obnoxious music and I looked up at Bill who looked like a six-year old at a theme park. A guy strolled up to us ,obviously a worker, that had shoulder length black hair and... ohmygod freaky eyes. He had what looked like a smile carved in his mouth that I hoped was makeup. Man this guy had a constant smile and wide eyes. Nice. I shorter man followed him wearing a grey sweatshirt with the hood up. He also wore a blue mask with black eyes painted on. What the... "Hey guys I'm Jeff and this is E.J. If you need any assistance just ask us." Bill nodded and as they walked away he elbowed me in the side. "You're staring." he said smirking and he winked. He walked to a shelf looking at some ironic t-shirts and I caught up to him yelling over the music saying "You're kidding right? Did you not see them?! With the weird hair and eyes?? They looked like.." "What are you implying there Pinetree?" Bill said still smirking one eyebrow raised. I ,again, confused just stood there studying his face wondering what he meant. I looked at his half-yellow half-black hair and at his white irised eye and black eyepatch. I blushed realizing what he meant and just murmured "Nevermind." He triumphantly smiled and continued to look around the store. "That's right." he said.

(Time skip to back at the shack.)

I sat there at the couch watching a re-run of some moronic sitcom with Bill asleep and snoring softly beside me. Suddenly, Stan yelled for me to go bring the cameras from the woods in the trees to the shack because he needs to repair them. "Uggghh." I groaned. Every six months Gruncle Stan makes me go out into the woods to retrieve the security cameras he puts up to keep track of the woods to see if anything unusual comes around. That way when he checks them he can see wear the monsters are around and can use them for the tours. I got up and looked down at Bill and smiled. I kissed the top of his head and made my way to the door. I pulled on a sweatshirt and put on my combat boots. I left the shack and entered the woods cautiously. Mysterious things are lurking in every shadow and hideout, trust me I know. I pulled out my phone checking the time. Good, I'll be back before sunset that way Bill won't worry and I won't die...again. I jumped over small brooks of crystal clear water and tripped on several brambles and tree roots. I collected cameras and continued into the woods. "My god ,Stan, how many cameras do you need out here?!" I said aloud aggravated. I looked up to see where I was and automatically felt as if a cold heavy stoned dropped to my stomach. I was at a small clearing where a pinetree ,taller than me now, stood alone in the area. T-this is the place where it happened. No I'm not doing this I am not reliving this horrible past again. I looked up at the tree ,an anniversary present, and spotted a camera hidden in the vibrant green needles. Wait what? There was a video camera here too? Does that mean.. I took the camera and went to rewinded the footage. I don't want to see the horrible act of my murder but, I do want to know who exactly my murderer was. I stopped at the date that was when it happened and pressed play my hand shaky and clammy. I watched as Bill took me in his arms and pulled back staring at something behind me that I could not see. I squinted my eyes to look closer at the small screen. Me in the video looked behind me to see what he was staring. All of a sudden Bill clenched his stomach and he looked truly in pain. Slowly his whole figure turned black and his eyes glowed red. The silly handsome Bill was gone and there stood a demon. I watched the video in disbelief past me falling to the ground dying. I threw the camera to the ground and cried into my hands my murderer is my lover. I was wrong. I was wrong I was wrong I WAS WRONG I WAS WRONG I WAS WRONG. A demon's heart is vicious no matter how hard they try to be human they are horrid creatures of destruction. My demon.. that I though was different.

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